[1] Abdel-Kader, M., Kosovicheva, A., Bex, P. & Wiecek, E.K. (2025) Contrast Sensitivity Across the Visual Field in Children with Amblyopia. Submitted to the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology.
[2] Ross, N., Bex, P. & Skerswetat, J. (2025) Selective Visual Function Deficits and Sparing in People with Albinism. Submitted to the International Scientific Conference on Albinism.
[3] Manley, C.E., Merabet, L.M. & Bex, P.J. (2025) Perceptions of semantic similarities of objects based on visual cues in CVI. Submitted to Vision Sciences Society.
[4] Manley, C.E., Merabet, L.M. & Bex, P.J. (2025) Limited Scope of the Functional Field of View in Cerebral Visual Impairment. Submitted to Vision Sciences Society.
[5] Schmidt, M.E., Aganj, I., Skerswetat, J., Stockmann, J., Kirilina, E., Gaier, E.D., Bex, P.J., Weiskopf, N., Hunter, D.G. & Nasr, S. (2025) Impact of amblyopia on mesoscale functional connectivity within the human primary visual cortex. Submitted to the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology.
[6] Manley, C.E., Bex, P.J. & Merabet, L.M.(2025) Assessing the Functional Field of View in Cerebral Visual Impairment. Submitted to the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology.
[7] Skerswetat, J., Bex, P.J., Green, J. & Schmidtmann, G. (2025) Assessment of repeatability and behavioral relationships for acuity, contrast, form, and motion perception tasks. Submitted to the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology.
[8] Heynen, M., Walter, K., Doyon, J., Bex, P.J. & Merabet, L. (2025) Comparing Object Localization Deficits in Desktop and Immersive Virtual Reality Search Tasks in Individuals with Cerebral Visual Impairment. Submitted to the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology.
[9] Dhungel, D., Bex, P.J., McCullough, A. Marín-Franch, I. & Vera-Diaz F.A. (2025) Peripheral Blur Perception in Young Children at Low Risk or High Risk of Myopia: Longitudinal data. Submitted to the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology.
[10] Moon, J. & Bex, P.J. (2025) Mechanisms Underlying the Contribution of Spatial Frequency of Disparity and Vergence to Depth Perception in Stereopsis. Submitted to Vision Sciences Society.
[11] Merabet, L.M., Manley, C.E. & Bex, P.J. (2025) Perceptions of Semantic Similarities of Objects Based on Visual Cues in Cerebral Visual Impairment. Submitted to the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology.
[12] Smithers, S., Wiecek, E., Chaudhry, N., Gaier, E., Ferracini, F., Banijamali, SMA, Peveri, F., Sabatini, S., Canessa, A., Gibaldi, A. Hunter, DG., Banks, M., Levi, D & Bex, PJ. (2025) Reliability of Automated Cover-Uncover Assessment of Strabismus at Multiple Fixation Depths and Directions Pre- and Post-Strabismus Surgery. Submitted to the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology.
[13] Ferracini, F., Smithers, S., Wiecek, E., Chaudhry, N., Gibaldi, A., Banks, M., Levi, D., Bex, PJ., Peveri, F., Canessa, A. & Sabatini, S. (2025) VR-CUT, the Cover-Uncover Test in Virtual Reality: Easy and Accurate Assessment of Strabismus Across Gaze Eccentricities and Fixation Distances. Submitted to Vision Sciences Society.
[14] Walter, K. & Bex, P.J (2025) Utilizing Generative AI for Scene Search: Enhancing Flexibility and Control in Visual Search Experiments. Submitted to Vision Sciences Society.
[15] Neupane, S., Ross, N. & Bex, PJ. (2025) Impact of Simulated Central Vision Loss on Oculomotor and Sensory Function During A Saccade Task. Submitted to the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology.
[16] Ross, N., Hoffman, M., Morland, A., Nasr, S., Idman-Rait, C., & Bex, PJ. (2025) Functional Impacts of Atypical Visual Projections in Albinism: A Study of Binocular and Hemifield Masking. Submitted to the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology.
[17] Wynn, O. Skerswetat, J., Idman-Rait, C., Bex, PJ. & Ross, N. (2025) Blur tolerance in patients with albinism Submitted to the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology.
[18] Versek, CW., Banijamali, SMA., Pendem, MS., Etikala, SM., Lashkari, K., Bex, P. & Sridhar, S. (2025) NeuroVEP: Machine Learning Enhanced Portable Objective Visual Field Assessment in Glaucoma. Submitted to the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology.
[19] Chaudhry, N., Wiecek, E., Bex, P, & Skerswetat, J. (2025) Psychometrics of amblyopic children. Submitted to the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology.
[20] harmon, R., Dhungel, D., Bex, P.J. & Vera-Diaz F.A. (2025) Psychophysical Analysis of Center Surround Interactions as a Function of Axial Length. Submitted to the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology.
[21] Chaudhry, N., Wiecek, E., Bex, PJ. & Skerswetat, J (2025) Psychometric outcomes during a personalized, self administered visual acuity task in amblyopic children. Submitted to the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology.
[1] Heer, S., Pedziwiatr, M., Coutrot, A., Bex, P.J. & Mareschal, I. (2024) Image characteristics, not task, influence interobserver consistency. Presented at Vision Sciences Society.
[2] Gaier, E.D., Wiecek, E. Ahmed, Z., Bex, P.J. & Kosovicheva, A. (2024) Perceptual interactions of interocular temporal phase and contrast disparities in amblyopia. Presented at the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology.
[3] Lew, W.H., Smithers, S.P., Bex, P.J. & Coates, D.R. (2024) Which shape features determine detectability of camouflaged radial frequency patterns? Presented at Vision Sciences Society.
[4] Arthus, C., He, J., Bex, P.J., Skerswetat, J. & Crognale, M.A. (2023) Evaluation of novel tablet-based color vision tests. Presented at Vision Sciences Society.
[5] Skerswetat, J., Ross, N. Idman-Rait, C., Yeung, C. & Bex, P.J. (2024) Angular Indication Measurement (AIM) paradigm applied to Dark Adaptation in patients with retinal disorders: preliminary results. Presented at the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology.
[6] Drottar, M., Nadvar, N., Manley, C.E., Bex, P.J., Dilks, D., Ravenscroft, J, & Bauer, C. (2024) White matter tractography of ventral visual pathways in adolescents with early developmental brain injury. Presented at OHBM
[7] Nadvar, N., Drottar, M., Manley, C.E., Bex, P.J., Merabet, L.B. & Bauer, C. (2024): Effect of Cerebral Visual Impairment on Functional-Structural Coupling of the Attention Networks. Presented at Vision Sciences Society.
[8] Ferracini, F., Smithers, S., Peveri, F., Canessa, A., Gibaldi, A., Bex, P. & Sabatini, S.P. (2024) Head-gaze related influences on heterophorias revealed by an HMD-based cover test. Presented at Vision Sciences Society.
[9] Ross, N., Neupane, S., Yeung, C., Idman-Rait, C. & Bex, P.J. (2024) Pursuit eye movements with central scotomas with and without visual feedback paradigms. Presented at the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology.
[10] Neupane, S., Ross, N. & Bex, P.J. (2024) Impact of Simulated Central Vision Loss on Oculomotor and Sensory Function During Smooth Pursuit. Presented at the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology.
[11] Dhungel, D., Taylor, C.P., Smithers, S., Bex, P.J. & Vera-Diaz F.A. (2024) Detection of Image Blur across Eccentricities and Real Depth planes in a Projection Augmented Reality System. Presented at the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology.
[12] Vera-Diaz F.A., Dhungel, D., McCullough, A., ,Kerber, K. & Bex, P.J.(2024) Longitudinal Peripheral Optical Quality in Young Children at Low or High Risk for Myopia. Presented at the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology.
[13] Walter, K. & Bex, P.J. (2024) Impact of Visual Impairment on Acuity and Face Perception. Presented at the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology.
[14] NasrS. Malladi, S., Skerswetat, J., Tootell, RBH, Gaier, ED, Bex P. & Hunter, DG (2024) Decreased scene-selective activity within the posterior intraparietal cortex in amblyopic adults humans. Accepted for the European Conference on Visual Perception.
[15] Cui, B. & Bex, P.J. (2024) The Affects of Empathy on Emotion Representation. Accepted for the Society for Neuroscience.
[16] Ross, N.C., Pacheo, E. & Bex, P.J. (2024) Inclusive Vision Assessment: Eye Tracking Psychophysical Measures of Contrast Sensitivity, Color Cone Contrast, Form Recognition, and Motion Coherence. Submitted to American Academy of Optometry.
[1] Neupane, S., Skerswetat, J. & Bex, P.J. (2023) Validation of Angular Indication Measurement (AIM) Stereoacuity. Presented at Vision Sciences Society.
[2] Moon, J. & Bex, P.J. (2023) Effects of Local and Global Cues on Oculomotor and Perceived of Movement. Presented at Vision Sciences Society.
[3] Cui, B., Feldman-Barrett, L. & Bex, P.J. (2023) The Contextual Affects of Facial Expression, Presented at Vision Sciences Society.
[4] He, J., Shah, J.B., Skerswetat, J. & Bex, P.J. (2023) Refractive Error measured with AIM (Angular Indication Measurement) Visual Acuity. Presented at Vision Sciences Society.
[5] Ross, N., Skerswetat, J. & Bex, P.J. (2023) The Effects of Simulated Central Vision Loss on Eye Movements and Contrast Sensitivity to Moving Stimuli. Presented at Vision Sciences Society.
[6] Smithers, S., Lew, W.H., Shao, Y. Coates, D. & Bex, P.J (2023) Effect of Radial Frequency and Amplitude on Target Detection. Presented at Vision Sciences Society.
[7] Skerswetat, J. & Bex, P.J. (2023) How many perceptual categories do observers experience during visual multistability? Presented at Vision Sciences Society.
[8] Drottar, M., Manley, C.E., Ravenscroft, J., Dilks, D., Bex, P.J., & Bauer, C. (2023) Face recognition and integrity of the inferior longitudinal fasciculus in cerebral visual impairment. Presented at the Organization for Human Brain Mapping (OHBM).
[9] Nasr, S., Skerswetat, J., Kennedy, B., Sok, P., Malladi. S.N., Bex, P., Hunter, D. & Gaier, E. (2023) Amblyopia disrupts balanced ocular dominance (OD) activity in humans. Presented at the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology.
[10] Munoz, J., Bex, P.J., Cui, B., Idman-Rait, C. & Ross, N. (2023) Making the invisible visible: Exploration of different gaze-contingent simulated scotoma representations on facial recognition, visual search and reading. Presented at the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology.
[11] Ahmed, Z., Skerswetat, J., Bex, P.J. & Wiecek, E. K. (2023) Assessment of Visual Acuity in Children With and Without Amblyopia Using the Novel Method AIM (Angular Indication Measurement) Acuity. Presented at the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology.
[12] Ross, N., Munoz, J., Cui, B., Idman-Rait, C. & Bex, P.J. (2023) Impact of Bilateral Central Scotomas beyond Acuity – Visual Search and Face Recognition. Presented at the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology.
[13] He, J., Skerswetat, J. & Bex, P.J. (2023) Novel color vision assessment tools: AIM Color Detection and Discrimination. Presented at the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology.
[14] Skerswetat, J., Idman-Rait, C. Sun., K., Bex, P.J. & Ross, N. (2023) Assessment of eleven visual functions in people with and without albinism. Presented at the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology.
[15] Taylor, A., Aghajari, S., Vera-Diaz, F.A., Bex, P.J., & Panorgias, T. (2023) The effect of gaze contingency on mfERGs. Presented at the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology.
[16] Cui, B, Ross, N. & Bex, P.J. (2023) The Affects of Central Vision Loss on Emotion Perception. Presented at the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology.
[17] Walter, K. Manley, C., Merabet, L. & Bex, P.J. (2023) Rapid quantification of face discrimination in laboratory and remote settings. Presented at the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology.
[18] Heer, S.,Pedziwiatr, M., Bex, P.J., Coutrot, A. & Mareschal, I. (2023) Semantic Contrast: Quantifying the Change in Semantic Content Across Images. Presented at the European Conference on Visual Perception.
[19] Pedziwiatr, M., Heer, S., Bex, P.J., Coutrot, A., Le-Hoa Võ, M. & Mareschal, I. (2023) LangMark – object annotations for scenes with semantic inconsistencies to connect language models to vision science. Presented at the European Conference on Visual Perception.
[20] Bex, P., J. & Skerswetat, J. (2023) AIM+ (Angular Indication Measurement) Efficient Assessment of Multidimensional Functions. Presented at the European Conference on Visual Perception.
[21] Heer, S.,Pedziwiatr, M., Bex, P.J., Coutrot, A. & Mareschal, I. (2023) From Semantics to Saccades: Analysing the Impact of Semantic Contrast on Eye Movements. Applied Vision Association.
[1] Pedziwiatr, M.A., Heer, S., Coutrot, A., Bex, P. & Mareschal, I. (2022) Knowledge about the recent past affects human gaze patterns. Presented at Vision Sciences Society.
[2] Cui, B. & Bex, P.J. (2022) Facing Distortion. Presented at Vision Sciences Society.
[3] Nasr, S. Kennedy, B., Skerswetat, J., Aycardi, N., Nabasaliza, A., Tootell, R., Hunter, D. & Bex, P. (2022) Differentiating the impact of amblyopia on spatial frequency encoding within human V2/V3 thin and thick stripes. Presented at Vision Sciences Society.
[4] Bauer, C., Ravenscroft, J., Merabet, L., Dilks, D. and Bex, P. (2022) Face Perception in Individuals with Cerebral Visual Impairment. Presented at Vision Sciences Society.
[5] Smithers, S., Shao, Y., Altham, J. & Bex, P.J. (2022) Significance of Real-World Depth on Crowding Investigated with a Multi-Depth Plane Display. Presented atVision Sciences Society.
[6] Skerswetat, J. & Bex, P.J. (2022) InFoRM: Rivalry reveals new insights into the dynamics of perceptual changes during binocular rivalry. Presented at Vision Sciences Society.
[7] He, J., Skerswetat, J. & Bex, P.J. (2022) Effect of EnChroma glasses on HRR and FInD color discrimination task in anomalous trichromats. Presented at Vision Sciences Society.
[8] Neupane, S., Bex, P.J., & Skerswetat, J. (2022) Comparison of stereo-thresholds using FInD (Foraging Interactive D-prime) Depth with three conventional methods. Presented at Vision Sciences Society.
[9] Walter, K, Freeman, M., & Bex, P.J. (2022) Role of low level and high level factors during task-based scene viewing. Presented at Vision Sciences Society.
[10] Federici A,, Bennett C. R., Bauer C. M., Ricciardi E., Bex P. J., Merabet L. B., Bottari D. (2021) Impaired evoked and induced neural oscillations during visual search in cerebral visual impairment. Presented at the Organization for Human Brain Mapping.
[11] Skerswetat, J., Boruta, A. & Bex, P.J. (2022) Disability Glare Quantified Rapidly with AIM(Angular Indication Measurement) Glare Acuity. Presented at the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology.
[12] Cui, B. & Bex, P.J. (2022) The Affects of Distortion. Presented at the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology.
[13] McIlreavy, l., Nedelchev, V.V., Ennis, F.A.& Bex, P.J. (2022) Novel fixation target promotes more accurate fixation: initial proof-of-concept. Presented at the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology.
[14] Nasr, S. Kennedy, B., Nabasaliza, A., Bex, P., Hunter, D. & Tootell, R. (2022) Stronger Amblyopia Impact on Activity within Human V2/V3 Thin Stripes during Binocular Summation. Presented at the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology.
[15] Smithers, S., Skerswetat, J & Bex, P.J. (2022) Idiosyncratic Effects of Viewing Direction and Real-World Depth on Treated Strabismus Investigated with a Multi-Depth Plane Display. Presented at the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology.
[16] Vera-Diaz, F.A., Jnawali, A.n Kerber, K. & Bex, P. (2022) Effect of Peripheral Optical Quality in Accommodation Responses of Young Children. Presented at the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology.
[17] Aghajari, S., Taylor, A., Bex, P., Vera-Dias, F. A. & Panorgias, A. (2022) Recording multifocal ERGs using a custom-built gaze-contingent system. Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology.
[18] Bowman, B., Skerswetat, J., Ross, N. & Bex, P.J. (2022) Remote and in-lab eccentric viewing training in patients with central vision loss. Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology.
[19] Knizak, M., Ross, N., Bex, P.J. & Skerswetat, J. (2022) Effect of tactile meta-guidance on visual perception in people with and without central vision loss. Presented at the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology.
[20] Bauer, C., Ravenscroft, J., Dilks, D. and Bex, P. (2022) Face Perception in Individuals with CVI: Impact on Social-Emotional Factors. To be presented at the 34th Annual Meeting European Academy of Childhood Disability – EACD 2022.
[21] Bauer, C., Pamir, Z., Manley, C.E., Drottar, M. Bex, P. & Merabet, L. B. (2022) Visual attention in cerebral visual impairment: Relationship with visual attention neural networks. To be presented at the 76th Annual Meeting American Academy for Cerebral Palsy and Developmental Medicine – AACPDM 2022.
[22] Pamir, Z., Bauer, C., Manley, C.E., Skerswetat, J., Dilks, D., Bex, P. & Merabet, L. B.Assessing Dorsal and Ventral Visual Processing in Cerebral Visual Impairment (CVI) with Psychophysical Testing and Functional Brain Connectivity. To be presented at the 76th Annual Meeting American Academy for Cerebral Palsy and Developmental Medicine – AACPDM 2022.
[23] Vera-Diaz, F.A., Kerber, K., Jnawali, A., Panorgias, A. & Bex, P. (2022) Metrics to Predict Myopia Development in Young Children . International Myopia Conference 2022
[24] Wiecek, E., Nabasaliza, A., Ahmed, Z., Chan, K. Kosovicheva, A., Kazles, M., Hunter, D.G. & Bex, P.J. (2022) Differences in peripheral binocular imbalance in strabismic young adults with or without amblyopia. American Academy of Optometry 2022
[25] Aycardi, N., Skerswetat, J. & Bex, P.J. (2022) Visual Acuity Measured Reliably and Rapidly With AIM (Angular Indication Measurement) Acuity. Vision Sciences Society
[26] Freeman,MN., Skerswetat, J. & Bex, P.J. (2022) Measuring the Effect of Negative and Positive Defocus on Visual Acuity Using AIM (Angular Indication Measurement) Acuity. Vision Sciences Society
[27] Federici A,, Bennett C. R., Bauer C. M., Ricciardi E., Bex P. J., Merabet L. B., Bottari D. (2022) Impaired evoked and induced neural oscillations during visual search in cerebral visual impairment. Presented at Società Italiana di Psicofisiologia e Neuroscienze Cognitive.
[28] Skerswetat, J. & Bex, P.J. (2022) AIM+(Angular Indication Measurement Plus) enables rapid and self-administered assessment of visual perception dependency across multiple stimulus dimensions. Presented at the European Conference on Visual Perception.
[29] Manley, C.E., Cantillon, E., Tietjen, M., Walter, K., Bex, P. & Merabet, L. B. (2022) Identification of 2D Images in Cerebral Visual Impairment (CVI) Based on Features and Gaze Behavior. Presented at Vision Sciences Society.
[30] Bauer, C., Ravenscroft, J., Dilks, D. & Bex, P. (2022) Face Perception in Individuals with CVI. Presented at Vision Sciences Society.
[1] Bex, P. & Skerswetat, J. (2021) FInD (Foraging Interactive D-prime), a rapid and easy method for visual function measurement. Presented at Vision Sciences Society.
[2] Walter, K. & Bex, P.J. (2021) Oculomotor strategies do not vary under increasing levels of cognitive demand. Presented at Vision Sciences Society.
[3] Skerswetat, J. & Bex, P.J. (2021) InFoRM – Indicate-Follow-Rival-replay Me: A novel method to measure and analyse binocular rivalry. Presented at Vision Sciences Society.
[4] Nasr, S. Kennedy, B., Nabasaliza, A., Bex, P., Hunter, D. & Tootell, R. (2021) Absolute Disparity Encoding in Human Extrastriate Visual Cortex. Presented at Vision Sciences Society
[5] Kennedy, B., Nabasaliza, A., Bex, P., Hunter, D., Tootell, R. & Nasr, S. (2021) Amblyopia-Related Changes in the Fine-Scale Functional Organization of Human Extrastriate Visual Cortex. Presented at Vision Sciences Society
[6] Kosovicheva, A. & Bex, P. (2021) Microsaccades before response initiation reflect angular errors in a peripheral localization task. Presented at Vision Sciences Society
[7] Nasr, S. Kennedy, B., Nabasaliza, A., Bex, P., Hunter, D. & Tootell, R. (2021) Impacts of Amblyopia on the Function of Stereo- and Motion-Selective Clusters in Human Extrastriate Cortex. Presented at the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology.
[8] Choi, F.Y, Shen, L.Q., Pasquale, L.R., Boland, M.V., Ramulu, P., Wellik, S.R., De Moraes, C.G., Myers, J.S., Yousefi, S., Bex, P.J. Li, Y., Eslami, M., Elze, T. & Wang, M. (2021) Spatial Patterns of Pre-perimetric Visual Fields in Glaucoma. Presented at the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology.
[9] Jnawali, A., Bex, P.J. & Vera-Diaz, F.A. (2021) Evaluation of retinal shape and thickness with wide field OCT in young children. Presented at the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology.
[10] Lui, J., Jnawali, A., Bex, P.J. & Vera-Diaz, F.A. (2021) Evaluation of the novel Foraging Interactive D-prime (FInD) CSF Test. Presented at the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology.
[11] Vera-Diaz, F.A., Jnawali, A. & Bex, P.J. (2021) Peripheral blur perception and optical quality in young children. Presented at the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology.
[12] Skerswetat, J., Sharma, A., Jefferis, H., Costa, K., Ross, N., Arango, T. & Bex, P.J. (2021) The effect of visual feedback on perceptual and oculomotor performance in a gaze-contingent simulated scotoma paradigm. Presented at the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology.
[13] Panorgias, T., Jnawali, A. Bex, P. & Vera-Diaz, F (2021) Retinal and perceptual responses to peripheral optical blur in children. Presented at the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology.
[14] Aghajari, S. Bex, P. & Vera-Diaz, F Panorgias, T., (2021) Development of a gaze-contingent electroretinogram system. Presented at the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology.
[15] Bauer, C., Ravenscroft, J., Merabet, L., Dilks, D. and Bex, P. (2021) Face perception in cerebral visual impairment and its impact on quality of life. To be presented at the American Academy of Optometry.
[16] Wiecek, E., Nabasaliza, A., Raghuram, A., Ling, S., Hunter, D. & Bex, P. (2021) Contrast Sensitivity in children with amblyopia measured using a foraging method, FInD. Presented at the American Academy of Optometry.
[17] Aycardi, N. Skerswetat, J. Kennedy, B., Nasr, S. & Bex, P. (2021) Binocular Disruption in Amblyopia Investigated with Standardized Clinical Tests and FInD-Psychophysics. Presented at Vision Sciences Society.
[18] Costa, K. Skerswetat, J. Ross, N. & Bex, P. (2021) The effect of auditory feedback on perceptual and oculomotor performance in a gaze-contingent simulated scotoma paradigm. Presented at Vision Sciences Society.
[19] Jefferis, H. Skerswetat, J. & Bex, P. (2021) InFoRM (Indicate-Follow-Replay-Me): Rivalry generates individual, validated introspection maps and generates new insights in binocular rivalry dynamics. Presented at Vision Sciences Society.
[20] Lui, J., Jnawali, A., Bex, P.J. & Vera-Diaz, F.A. (2021) Reliability and Repeatability of a Foraging CSF Test for Near and Distance Vision. Presented at the American Academy of Optometry.
[21] He, J., Boruta, A., Bex, P.J. & Skerswetat, J. (2021) FInD Color Detection and Discrimination in adults with and without color vision deficits: Preliminary results. Presented at the Fall Vision Meeting of the Optical Society of America.
[21] Skerswetat, J. & Bex, P.J.(2021) InFoRM: Rivalry generates reliable estimates of perceptual dynamics. Presented to the Fall Vision Meeting of the Optical Society of America.
[22] Heer, S., Pedziwiatr, M.A., Bex, P., Coutrot, A. & Mareschal, I. (2021) The expectedness of semantic scene-content as a factor influencing human gaze behaviour. Presented at the Applied Vision Association.
[1] Shigeta, T.T., Donovan, H., Bex, P.J. & Hillman, C.H. (2020) Transient Effects of Acute Aerobic Physical Activity on the Pupillary Response and Inhibitory Control. Presented at the American College of Sports Medicine.
[2] Teng, B., Li, D., Shen, L.Q., Pasquale, L.R., Boland, M.V., Ramulu, P., Wellik, S.R., De Moraes, C. D., Myers, J.S., Yousefi, S., Nguyen, T, Choi, E.Y., , H., Bex, P.J., Elze, T. & Wang, M. (2020) Inter-Eye Symmetries of Visual Field Defects in Glaucoma. Presented at the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology.
[3] Kosovicheva, A., Wiecek, E., Kazlas, M., Hunter, D. G. & Bex, P. J. (2020) Modulation of stereopsis and sensory eye dominance by gaze direction in strabismus. Presented at the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology.
[4] Jeong, E., Bex, P. J., Otero, C., & Vera-Diaz, F (2020) Perceptual responses to peripheral optical blur in myopia and emmetropia. Presented at the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology.
[5] Bowman, B., Arango, T., Ross, N.C. & Bex, P.J. (2020) Exploration of text presentation style on reading rate in bilateral central vision loss. Presented at the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology.
[6] Gaiser, H., Bex, P. J. & Vera-Diaz, F (2020) Evaluation of Ocular Dominance Tests in Normal Vision. Presented at the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology.
[7] Wiecek, E., Kosovicheva, A., Kazlas, M., Bex, P. J. & Hunter, D. G. (2020) Decreased peripheral stereoacuity and ocular dominance in anisometropic amblyopia, strabismic,
and normally-sighted young adults. Presented at the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology.
[8] Walters, K. Taveras-Cruz, Y. & Bex, P.J. (2020) Transfer and Retention of Oculomotor Alignment Rehabilitation Training. Presented at Vision Sciences Society
[9] Kosovicheva, A., Sridhar, K. & Bex, P.J. (2020) Image predictors of visual localization in natural scenes. Presented at Vision Sciences Society.
[10] Arango, T., Ross, N.C., & Bex, P.J. (2020) Fixation characteristics with Central Vision Loss at different gaze postures in a CSF task. Presented at the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology.
[11] Skerswetat, J., Caoli, A. & Bex, P.J. (2020) The effect of head- and stimulus tilt on stereoacuity. Presented at Vision Sciences Society.
[12] Andan, Q., Bex, P.J. & Berent, I. (2020) Phonology in the eye of the beholder. Presented at the Eleventh North American Phonology Conference.
[13] Choi, E.Y., Li, D., Fan, Y. Pasquale, L.R., Shen, L.Q., Boland, M.V., Ramulu, Yousefi, S., P., De Moraes, C. D., Wellik, S.R., Myers, J.S., Bex, P.J., Elze, T. & Wang, M. (2020) Using Visual Field Features to Predict Test-Retest Variability in Glaucoma. Presented at the American Academy of Ophthalmology.
[14] Wiecek, E., Nabasaliza, A., Kosovicheva, A., Kazlas, M., Hunter, D. & Bex, P.J. (2020) Differences in the field of contrast sensitivity and rivalry between children with strabismus and anisometropic amblyopia. Presented at the American Academy of Optometry.
[15] Bowman, B., Arango, T., Ross, N. & Bex, P.J. (2020) Exploration of preferred retinal locus orientation and the effect on reading in bilateral central vision loss. Presented at the American Academy of Optometry.
[1] Dylan Rose and Peter J. Bex (2019) “Re-re-considering Yarbus: Predicting observer “taskiness” from eye movement patterns.” Presented at Vision Sciences Society.
[2] Concetta F. Alberti, Anna Kosovicheva and Peter J. Bex (2019) “Measuring the contrast sensitivity function in the periphery via reflexive saccades”. Presented at Vision Sciences Society.
[3] Yukai Zhao, Luis A. Lesmes, Michael Dorr, Peter Bex and Zhong-Lin Lu (2019) “Accuracy and Precision of the ETDRS Chart, E-ETDRS and Bayesian qVA Method” Presented at the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology.
[4] Srinivas Sridhar, Craig Versek, Ali Banijamali, Kameran Lashkari, and Peter J. Bex (2019) “Portable VEP Diagnostics for NeuroVisual Disorders” Presented at the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology.
[5] Zhong-Lin Lu, Yukai Zhao, Luis A. Lesmes, Michael Dorr and Peter Bex (2019) “Unbiased Threshold Estimates in Bayesian Adaptive qCSF and qFC with Mismatched Psychometric Function Slopes.” Presented at the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology.
[6] Tina Y. Gao, Lisa M. Hamm, Joanna Black, Philip R.K. Turnbull, Peter J. Bex, Shuan Dai and Steven C. Dakin. (2019) “Automated assessment of ocular deviations using a consumer-grade eye tracker and 3D display.” Presented at the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology.
[7] Aigbe, S., Panorgias, T., Jeong, E., Otero, C., Bex, P.J. and Vera-Diaz, F. A. (2019) “Comparison of Monocular Microperimeter and Binocular Eye-tracking Methods for Assessment in Low Vision.” Presented at the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology.
[8] Arango, T., Martire, J., Ross, N. and Bex, P.J. (2019) “Comparison of Monocular Microperimeter and Binocular Eye-tracking Methods for Assessment in Low Vision.” Presented at the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology.
[9] Arango, T. and Bex, P.J. (2019) “Oculomotor characteristics under binocular eye-hand coordination.” Presented at Vision Sciences Society.
[10] Dian Li, Lucy Q. Shen, Louis R. Pasquale, Michael V. Boland, Sarah R. Wellik, Carlos Gustavo de Moraes, Jonathan S. Myers, Peter J. Bex, Osamah Saeedi, Neda Baniasadi, Hui Wang, Jorryt Tichelaar, Tobias Elze, Mengyu Wang (2019) Baseline Visual Field (VF) Patterns are Predictive of Global and Central Loss in 24-2 Visual Fields. Presented at the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology.
[11] Mengyu Wang, Lucy Q. Shen, Louis R. Pasquale, Michael V. Boland, Sarah R. Wellik, Carlos Gustavo de Moraes, Jonathan S. Myers, Peter J. Bex, Osamah Saeedi, Neda Baniasadi, Hui Wang, Dian Li, Jorryt Tichelaar, Tobias Elze (2019) Central Visual Field Loss Patterns in Glaucoma. Presented at the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology.
[12] Jorryt Tichelaar, Mengyu Wang, Lucy Q. Shen, Louis R. Pasquale, Michael V. Boland, Sarah R. Wellik, Carlos Gustavo de Moraes, Jonathan S. Myers, Peter J. Bex, Osamah Saeedi, Neda Baniasadi, Dian Li, Hui Wang, Tobias Elze (2019) Defect Classes of Visual Field Loss in Glaucoma. Presented at the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology.
[13] Christopher R. Bennett, Emma S. Bailin, Corinna M. Bauer, Laura Dubreuil Vall, Peter J. Bex and Lotfi B. Merabet (2019) “Object-Based Visual Search in Cerebral Visual Impairment Using a Virtual Reality and EEG Paradigm” Presented at Human Brain Mapping.
[14] Gao, Tina Y. ; Hamm, Lisa M.; Black, Joanna; Turnbull, Philip R.; Bex, Peter; Dai, Shuan; Dakin, Steven C. (2019) Automated assessment of ocular deviations using a consumer-grade eye tracker and 3D display. Presented at Australia & New Zealand Strabismus Society.
[15] C.M. Bauer, L.M. Lawrence, E.S. Bailin, C.R. Bennett, P.J. Bex, L.B. Merabet (2019) Low- versus High-Tech Evaluations of Visual Abilities in Children with Cerebral Visual Impairment. To be presented at the joint meeting of the American Academy for Cerebral Palsy and Developmental Medicine (AACPDM) and the International Alliance of Academies of Childhood Disability (IAACD).
[16] Shigeta, T.T., Bex, P.J. & Hillman, C.H. (2019) “Acute Exercise Effects on Inhibitory Control and the Pupillary Response.” Presented at Society for Psychophysiological Research.
[17] Harrison, W. J., Stead, I., Wallis, T.S.A., Bex, P.J. & Mattingley, J.B (2019) “Trans-saccadic updating of spatial attention: classification images and generative model comparisons.” Presented at the European Conference on Visual Perception
[18] Joshi, M.R., Kenrick, J.V., Piano, M.E.F., Bex, P.J. (2019) Quantitative Measurement of Perceptual Distortion in Keratoconus. Presented at the American Academy of Optometry
[1] Wang, M. , Pasquale, L. R., Shen, L. Q., Boland, M. V., Wellik, S. R., De Moraes, C. G., Myers, J. S., Baniasadi, N., Li, D., Wang, H., Bex, P. J. & Elze, T. (2018) “Predicting Functional Progression in Glaucoma from Baseline Visual Fields.” Presented at the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology.
[2] Li, D., Pasquale, L. R., Shen, L. Q., Boland, M. V., Wellik, S. R., De Moraes, C. G., Myers, J. S., Baniasadi, N., Wang, H., Bex, P. J., Elze, T. & Wang, M. (2018) “A New Method to Detect Visual Field Progression based on Spatial Pattern Analysis.” Presented at the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology.
[3] McCormack, G., Ferrucci, J., Guarino, A. & Bex, P.J. (2018) “The Shape of the Psychometric Function in Blur Discrimination Judgments.” Presented at the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology.
[4] Vera-Diaz, F.A., Otero, C. & Bex, P.J. (2018) “Effect of aberrations on suprathreshold and threshold discrimination tasks.” Presented at the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology.
[5] Kosovicheva, A., Hawlader, O. &. Bex, P.J. (2018) “Localization errors following saccadic adaptation to a dichoptic step. ” Presented at Vision Sciences Society.
[6] McKay, R.A. Piano, M.E.F, Bex, P.J., Preston, J.A., Stansfield, B.W. and Simmers, A.J. (2018) “Persistent Visual Impairment in Multiple Sclerosis: Prevalence and functional consequences” Presented at Vision Sciences Society.
[7] Arango, T. & Bex, P.J. (2018) “Fixation Patterns to Celebrities and Selfies following Image and Task Modification.” Presented at Vision Sciences Society.
[8] Bennett, C., Bailin, E., Gottlieb, T., Bauer, C., Bex, P. & Merabet, L. (2018) Virtual Reality Based Assessment of Static Object Visual Search in Ocular Compared to Cerebral Visual Impairment HCI International 2018.
[9] Zhao, Y., Lesmes, L.A., Dorr, M., Bex, P.J. & Lu, Z.L. (2018) Psychophysical validation of a novel Bayesian method for measuring visual acuity.” Presented at the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology.
[10] Martire, J., Arango, T., Bex, P.J. & Ross, N. (2018) “Visual performance at the PRL in monocular versus binocular viewing using simulated gaze-contingent scotomas.” Presented at the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology.
[11] Arango, T., Martire, J., Ross, N. & Bex, P.J. (2018) “Oculomotor behavior in monocular versus binocular gaze-contingent scotomas.” Presented at the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology.
[12] Lu, Z.L., Zhao, Y., Lesmes, L.A., Dorr, M. & Bex, P.J. (2018) “Accuracy in detecting vision changes with visual acuity and contrast sensitivity tests” Presented at the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology.
[13] Jin, Q. Thein, T., Pasquale, L. R., Shen, L. Q., Boland, M. V., Wellik, S. R., De Moraes, C. G., Myers, J. S., Bex, P. J., Baniasadi, N., Li, D., Wang, H Wang, M. & Elze, T. (2018) “Effect modification of refractive error on visual field pattern deviation in glaucoma.” Presented at the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology.
[14] Andan, Q., Bex, P. & Berent, I. (2018) “Seeing double, seeing clear: Implications for the architecture of language”. Presented at the 59th annual meeting of the Psychonomic Society. Louisiana, MI.
[1] Predicting False-Positive Glaucoma Hemifield Test Results by Representative Glaucomatous Visual Field Patterns. Wang, M, Pasquale, L, Shen, L., Boland, M., Wellick, S. de Moraes, G., Myers, Wang, H. Banaisada, N. Bex, P.J. and Elze, T. Presented at the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, 2017.
[2] Motion Sharpening Processes in Stereoscopic Motion-in-Depth. Ferrucci, J., Bex, P. J. and G. McCormack. Presented at the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, 2017.
[3] What can we learn about strabismus from a 90 second gaze recording?: Rapid evaluation of oculomotor deficits in strabismus. Kosovicheva, A., Kazlas, M., Hunter, D. G. & Bex, P.J. Presented at the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, 2017
[4] The quick reading method: its efficiency and accuracy in assessing reading performance in the periphery. Shepard, T.G., Hou, F., Bex, P.J., Lesmes, L.A., Lu, Z-L. & Yu, D. Presented at the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, 2017
[5] Effects of temporal frequency on binocularity and contrast sensitivity in amblyopia, Bex, P.J., Kosovicheva, A., Ferreira, A. & Vera-Diaz, F.A. Presented at Vision Sciences Society 2017
[6] Temporal Contrast Sensitivity in Myopia Ferreira, A., Kosovicheva, A., Bex, P.J. & Vera-Diaz, F.A. Presented at the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, 2017
[7] Effect of Temporal Vision on Binocularity in Ametropia Vera-Diaz, F.A., Kosovicheva, A., Ferreira, A. & Bex, P.J. Presented at the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, 2017
[8] Bayesian adaptive assessment of reading performance: the quick Reading method. Lu, Z-L., Hou, F., Lesmes, L.A., Bex, P.J.; Yu, Deyue, Presented at the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, 2017
[9] Do oculomotor adaptations to a volume scotoma provide functional benefits for binocular vision? Alberti, C.F. & Bex, P.J. Presented at the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, 2017
[10] Different reading task measure different reading behaviors, Arango, T., Lu, Z-L., Hou, F., Lesmes, L.A., Yu, D, & Bex, P.J. Presented at Vision Sciences Society 2017
[11] Optimal Combination of Disparity arcoss a log Polar Scaled Visual Field, Guido Maiello, Manuela Chessa, Fabio Solari and Peter Bex Presented at Vision Sciences Society 2017
[12] Evaluating the Importance of Top-Down “Semantic” Features to Decoding Observer Task from Eye Movements. Rose, D & Bex, P.J. Presented at Vision Sciences Society 2017
[13] Distinguishing the contribution of precision and repeatability to vision testing. Lesmes, L.A., Bittner, A.K., Lu, Z-L., Bex, P.J. & Dorr, M. Presented at the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, 2017.
[14] Portable System for Neuro-optical Diagnostics using Virtual Reality Display. Versek, C., Bex, P.J. & Sridhar, S. Military Health System Research Symposium. 2017
[15] Dorsal attention network activation and diminished attention in Cerebral Visual Impairment. Bauer, C.M. , Bailin, E.S., Bex, P.J. & Merabet, L.B. Society for Neuroscience. 2017.
[16] Persistent Visual Impairment in people with Multiple Sclerosis. McKay, R.A., Piano, M.E.F, Bex, P.J., Preston, J.A., Stansfield, B.W., & Simmers, A.J. 13th European Neuro-Ophthalmology Society 2017.
[17] Peripheral depth estimation of disparity-defined targets. Alberti, C.F. & Bex, P.J. Presented at the European Conference on Visual Perception 2017.
[18] Sensory Effects of Dichoptic Saccadic Adaptation. Hawlader , O., Kosovicheva, A. & Bex, P.J. (2017) Presented at the 26th Newfoundland Electrical and Computer Engineering Conference 2017.
[19] Bex, P.J., Dougherty, L., Forton, A., Knežević, I., Romero-Suarez, L., Tella, J. & Welsh, E. (2017) “Generalization of the Flash Distortion Effect.” Presented at the Applied Vision Association.
[20] Bauer, C.M., Bailin, E.S., Bex, P.J. & Merabet, L.B. (2017) “Dorsal attention network activation and diminished attention in Cerebral Visual Impairment.” Presented at the Society for Neuroscience.
[1] Assessing Suppression in Amblyopia with a Dichoptic Eye Chart. Eileen E. Birch, Sarah E. Morale, Reed M. Jost, Angie De La Cruz, Krista R. Kelly, Yi-Zhong Wang, Peter J. Bex. Presented at the American Association for Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus meeting, Vancouver BC, Canada
[2] Myopes’ Ability to Perceive Blur Across the Visual Field. Walker, L., Maiello, G. Bex, P.J. and Vera-Diaz, F. A. Presented at the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, 2016.
[3] Comparison of iPad-Based Visual Function Tests for the Detection of Early Manifest Glaucoma Meredith, K., Aiai R., Bex, P., Gardiner, M., Kloek, C., Chang, P., Shen, L., Turalba, A., Pasquale, L.R. and Song, B. Presented at the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, 2016.
[4] Transfer of Peripheral Fixation Training Across Retinal Eccentricities, Rose, D. and Bex, P.J. Presented at the Vision Sciences Society, 2016.
[5] What color was it? Probing the dynamics of word processing during reading, Kosovicheva, A. and Bex, P.J. Presented at the Vision Sciences Society, 2016.
[6] Myopic Eyes See Better in a Crowd, Carroll, S., Maiello, G., Harrison, W. and Bex, P.J. Presented at the Vision Sciences Society, 2016.
[7] The effect of ametropia on glaucomatous visual field loss, Elze, T., Shen, L.Q., Wang, M., Boland, M.V., Wellick, S., de Moraes, G., Myers, J., Bex, P. J. and Pasquale, L. R. Presented at the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, 2016.
[8] Impact of natural blind spot location on perimetry, Wang, M., Pasquale, L. R. Shen, L.Q., Boland, M.V., Wellick, S., de Moraes, G., Myers, J., Bex, P. J. and Elze, T., Presented at the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, 2016.
[9] 3 Dimensional Binocular eye and hand coordination in normal vision and with simulated visual impairments Maiello, G., Kwon, M.Y. and Bex P.J. Presented at the Vision Sciences Society, 2016.
[10] Home-Based Self-Assessment of the Contrast Sensitivity Function in Age-Related Macular Degeneration Bex, P. J., Dorr, M., Lashkari, K., Lesmes, L., Lu, Z.L. and Wiecek, E. Presented at the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, 2016.
[11] Characterizing monocular and binocular contrast sensitivity in corrected and uncorrected myopia Hui, W., Lesmes, L., Dorr, M., Lu, Z.L., Elze, T. and Bex, P. J. Presented at the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, 2016.
[12] A Survey of Contrast Sensitivity Deficits in Visual Neuropathology. Lesmes, L., Lu, Z.L., Bex, P. J. and Dorr, M., Presented at the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, 2016.
[13] Quantifying Positional Variation of Retinal Blood Vessels in Glaucoma. Wang, M, Jin, Q, Wang, H, Pasquale, L, Bex, P, Ishikawa, H, Schuman, J, Wollstein, G, Elze, T. Presented at the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, 2016.
[14] The effect of optic nerve head torsion and position of retinal blood vessels on optical coherence tomography (OCT) retinal nerve fiber layer (RNFL) abnormality patterns in myopic glaucoma patients. Baniasadi, N, Jin, Q, Wang, H, Wang, M, Shen, L, Pasquale, L, Bex, P, Ishikawa, H, Schuman, J, Wollstein, G, Elze, T. Presented at the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, 2016.
[15] Modelling Short-Latency Disparity-Vergence Eye Movements Under Dichoptic Unbalanced Stimulation, Gibaldi, A., Maiello, G., Bex, P. and Sabatini, S. Presented at at the MODVIS Workshop, Vision Sciences Society 2016
[16] Can Neuromorphic Computer Vision Inform Vision Science? Disparity Estimation as a Case Study, Maiello, G., Chessa, M. Bex, P. and Solari, F. Presented at the MODVIS Workshop, Vision Sciences Society 2016
[17] Vergence Eye Movements to Unbalanced Dichoptic Visual Stimuli, Guido Maiello, Agostino Gibaldi, Silvio P Sabatini, and Peter J Bex, presented at the European Conference on Visual Perception 2016
[18] Mechanisms underlying simultaneous brightness induction: Early and innate Sarah Crucilla, Dylan Rose, Amy Kalia, Peter Bex, Pawan Sinha. Presented at the European Conference on Visual Perception 2016.
[19] Blur Perception in Near-Peripheral Walker, L., Maiello, G. , Coletta, N., Bex, P.J. and Vera-Diaz, F. A. Presented at the American Academy of Optometry, 2016.
[20] Visual crowding is a combination of an increase of positional uncertainty, source confusion, and featural averaging. Harrison, W. & Bex, P.J. Presented at the Applied Vision Association 2016.
[1] P. J. Bex, “The Impact of Simulated Central Scotomas on Perception and Eye Movements,” presented at the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, Denver, 2015.
[2] W. Harrison, M.A. Johnson and P. J. Bex, “Attentional resolution is not the exclusive limit on visual awareness,” presented at the Vision Sciences Society, 2015.
[3] G. Maiello, W. Harrison, F. Vera-Diaz and P. J. Bex, “Perceptual Consequences of Elongated Eyes,” presented at the Vision Sciences Society, 2015.
[4] Ayeni, A. J., W. Harrison and P. J. Bex, “Filling in of Kanizsa-style illusory figures is under top-down control,” presented at the Vision Sciences Society, 2015.
[5] Rose, D. and P. J. Bex, “Peripheral Oculomotor Control Training in Healthy Individuals: Effects of Training and Training Transfer,” presented at the Vision Sciences Society, 2015.
[6] P.J. Bex, A.J. Ayeni and E. Wiecek, “Word and Sentence Level Spatial Information In Reading,” presented at the Vision Sciences Society, 2014.
[7] E. Wiecek, and Bex, P. J. “Binocular Microperimetry in Simulated Asymmetric Bilateral Scotomas,” presented at the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, 2015.
[8] Alberti, C. and Bex, P. J. “Simulation of binocular scotoma and compensatory strategies,” presented at the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, 2015.
[9] M. Dorr, Lesmes, L.A.L., Elze, T., Wang, H., Lu, Z. L. and P. J. Bex, “Average Precision as a test retest reliability measure: a quick CSF study on myopia” presented at the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, 2015.
[10] Kerber, K.L., Maiello, G., Thorn, F., Bex, P.J., Vera-Diaz, F.A., “Myopes’ ability to accurately accommodate to blur cues in virtual 3D images” presented at the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, 2015.
[11] Vera-Diaz, F.A., Maiello, G., Kerber, K.L., Thorn, F. and Bex, P.J., “Myopes’ ability to discriminate and detect blur” presented at the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, 2015.
[12] Elze, T., Jin, Q., Wollstein, G., Bex, P., “The impact of blood vessel locations on abnormality profiles of Spectral-Domain Optical Coherence Tomography measurements” presented at the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, 2015.
[13] Jin, Q., Wollstein, G., Pasquale, L., Shen, L., Bex, P. J., Elze, T. “Motion artifacts and missing data in Spectral-Domain Optical Coherence Tomography measurements” presented at the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, 2015.
[14] Dorr, M., Wiecek, E., Lashkari, K., Lu, Z. L., Lesmes, L. A., & Bex, P. J. (2015). “Comprehensive mHealth assessment of visual function”. Presented at the German Society for Biomedical Engineering. Lubeck.
[15] Cai, S., Elze, T., Bex, P.J., Wiggs, J.L., Pasquale, L.R., Shen, L.Q., (2015) “Clinical Correlates of Computationally Derived Visual Field Defect Archetypes in Patients from a Glaucoma Clinic”. Harvard Medical School Annual Conference.
[16] Harrison, W. J. and Bex, P. J. (2015) “A unifying model of visual crowding” presented at the European Conference of Visual Perception.
[17] Vera-Diaz, F. Weifenback, S., Kwon, M. & Bex, P. J. (2015) “Novel Methods to Clinically Quantify Suppression and Stereopsis Thresholds in Studies of Amblyopia”, presented at the American Academy of Optometry, New Orleans.
[18] Dakin, S., Bex, P. J. & Turnbull, P. (2015) “Automated Contrast Sensitivity Assessment using the OKN”. Presented at the American Academy of Optometry, New Orleans.
[19] Weifenback, S., Kwon, M. Vera-Diaz, F. & Bex, P. J. (2015) “Methods to quantify spatial frequency dependent suppression and stereopsis”. Presented at the American Academy of Optometry, New Orleans.
[20] M. Dorr, M. Wille, T. Viulet, E. Sanchez, P. Bex, Lu, Z., L. Lesmes (2015) “Next-generation vision testing: the quick CSF” presented at the German Society for Biomedical Engineering, Lübeck, Germany.
[21] Bex, P.J. Wiecek, E., Dakin, S.C. and Kwon (2015) Quantitative Assessment of Inter-Ocular Suppression. Presented at the Lasker/IRRF Initiative on Amblyopia, J. Erik Jonsson Center, Woods Hole, Massachusetts
[1] M. Bossi, E. J. Anderson, V. K. Tailor, P. J. Bex, J. A. Greenwood, A. Dahlmann-noor, and S. C. Dakin, “An Exploratory Study of a Novel Home-Based Binocular Therapy for Childhood Amblyopia,” presented at the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, 2014.
[2] T. Elze, P. Benner, L. Shen, and P. J. Bex, “The Spatial Configuration of Visual Field Measurement Locations in Glaucoma.,” presented at the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, 2014.
[3] W. J. Harrison and P. J. Bex, “Contour perception across time and eye movements,” presented at the Vision Sciences Society, 2014.
[4] M. Y. Kwon, E. Wiecek, S. C. Dakin, and P. J. Bex, “A novel method to quantify spatial-frequency dependent binocular imbalance in amblyopia,” presented at the Vision Sciences Society, 2014.
[5] G. Maiello, W. Harrison, and P. J. Bex, “Dichoptic saccadic adaptation,” presented at the Vision Sciences Society, 2014.
[6] G. McCormack, J. Van Cura, and P. J. Bex, “Neural Sharpening of Images Moving in Stereoscopic Depth,” presented at the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, 2014.
[7] T. Olsen, T. Langaas, P. J. Bex, S. J. Gilson, and R. C. Baraas, “The effect of Omega-3 status on contrast sensitivity in healthy middle-aged Norwegians,” presented at the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, 2014.
[8] M. Piano, A. J. Simmers, and P. J. Bex, “Perceptual Visual Distortions in Juvenile Amblyopes,” presented at the Vision Sciences Society, 2014.
[9] R. L. Woods, D. R. Saunders, P. J. Bex, and D. Rose, “Measuring information acquisition to evaluate impairment and rehabilitation,” presented at the Low Vision 2014, Melbourne, 2014.
[10] L.-G. Bogfjellmo, P. J. Bex, and H. K. Falkenberg, “Direction discrimination of global motion low contrast patterns in school aged children,” presented at the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, 2014.
[11] W. J. Harrison, G. Maiello and P. J. Bex, “Illusory objects are altered by saccadic eye movement preparation” to be presented at the Society for Neuroscience, 2014.
[12] T. S. A. Wallis, M. Dorr, and P. J. Bex, “A Bayesian multilevel modeling approach to characterizing contrast sensitivity in naturalistic movies” presented at the European Mathematical Psychology Conference, 2014.
[13] Cai, S., Elze, T., Bex, P. J., Pasquale, L., & Shen, L. (2014). Clinical Significance of Computationally Derived Glaucomatous Visual Field Defects.
[14] Bex, P. J., Keynote Beibu Gulf Optometry and Vision Forum (2014).
[1] P. J. Bex, “Motion perception in ocular disease and visual dysfunction,” presented at the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, Seattle, 2013.
[2] M. Bossi, E. J. Anderson, V. K. Taylor, P. J. Bex, J. A. Greenwood, A. Dahlmann-noor, and S. C. Dakin, “A novel home-‐based binocular therapy for childhood anisometropic amblyopia,” presented at the British Congress of Optometry and Vision Science, Glasgow, UK, 2013.
[3] Y. Chee, T. Elze, L. Pasquale, D. Rhee, P. J. Bex, and L. Shen, “Deviation between horizontal and vertical SD-OCT macular thickness values and associated scan errors,” presented at the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, 2013.
[4] X. Chen, L. A. Lesmes, J. Wallis, T. S. A. Wallis, M. Jackson, and P. J. Bex, “Analyses of contrast sensitivity assessments over time: A pilot study,” presented at the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, Seattle, 2013.
[5] M. Dorr, L. A. Lesmes, Z. L. Lu, and P. J. Bex, “Rapid and precise assessment of the temporal contrast sensitivity function on an iPad,” presented at the European Conference on Visual Perception, 2013.
[6] M. Dorr, L. A. Lesmes, Z. L. Lu, and P. J. Bex, “iPad-Based Quick CSF Implementation to Assess Effects of Dioptric Blur on Contrast Sensitivity,” presented at the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, 2013.
[7] M. Dorr, A. Schutz, K. Gegenfurtner, E. Barth, and P. J. Bex, “Eye movements in natural movies under spatio-temporal blur,” presented at the European Conference on Eye Movements, 2013.
[8] T. Elze, P. Benner, and P. J. Bex, “Novel Approaches to Non-parametric Adaptive Sampling of Psychometric Functions,” presented at the Asia Pacific Conference on Vision, Suzhou, China, 2013.
[9] T. Elze, P. Benner, L. Pasquale, L. Shen, and P. J. Bex, “A Spatial Model of Visual Fields with Applications to Adaptive Sampling,” presented at the European Conference on VIsual Perception, Bremen, 2013.
[10] T. Elze, L. Pasquale, L. Shen, A. Turalba, T. Chen, D. Rhee, J. Wiggs, C. L. Grosskreutz, S. Brauner, and P. J. Bex, “Patterns in Glaucomatous Visual Field Loss: Components, Prototypes and Archetypes,” presented at the 7th Annual Offfice for Research Career Development, 2013.
[11] T. Elze, L. Pasquale, L. Shen, A. Turalba, T. C. Chen, D. Rhee, J. L. Wiggs, C. L. Grosskreutz, S. Brauner, and P. J. Bex, “Finding Patterns in Glaucomatous Visual Field Loss: Components, Prototypes, and Archetypes,” presented at the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, Seattle, 2013.
[12] W. J. Harrison, Kwon, M., and P. J. Bex, “The influence of eye movements on contrast sensitivity and gain response in peripheral vision,” presented at the European Conference on Visual Perception, Bremen, 2013.
[13] M. Jackson, J. Wallis, P. Wicks, and P. J. Bex, “Online Assessment of Contrast Sensitivity and Hallucinations in Parkinson’s Disease,” presented at the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, Seattle, 2013.
[14] M. Y. Kwon, L. A. Lesmes, A. Miller, M. Kazlas, M. Dorr, D. G. Hunter,, Z. L. Lu, and P. J. Bex, “Rapid assessment of core visual deficits in amblyopia,” presented at the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, 2013.
[15] Kwon, M., L. A. Lesmes, M. Kazlas, D. G. Hunter,, Z. L. Lu, and P. J. Bex, “Novel methods to assess core visual deficits in amblyopia,” presented at the New England Ophthalmological Society Meeting, 2013.
[16] Kwon, M., L. A. Lesmes, A. Miller, M. Kazlas, M. Dorr, D. G. Hunter,, Z. L. Lu, and P. J. Bex, “Contrast sensitivity deficits in amblyopia,” presented at the European Conference on Visual Perception, 2013.
[17] Kwon, M., L. A. Lesmes, A. Miller, M. Kazlas, D. G. Hunter,, Z. L. Lu, and P. J. Bex, “The effect of interocular luminance differences on eye movements in amblyopia and normal vision,” presented at the European Conference on Eye Movements, 2013.
[18] L. A. Lesmes, M. Jackson, J. Wallis, and P. J. Bex, “The Reliability of the quick CSF Method for Contrast Sensitivity Assessment in Low Vision,” presented at the Association for Reseach in Vision and Ophthalmology, 2013.
[19] G. Maiello, C. Manuella, S. Fabio, and P. J. Bex, “Stereoscopic fusion with gaze-contingent blur,” presented at the European Conference on Visual Perception, 2013.
[20] G. Maiello, C. Manuella, S. Fabio, and P. J. Bex, “The Contribution of Perspective, Blur and Disparity to Depth Perception in Natural Vision,” presented at the Association for Reseach in Vision and Ophthalmology, 2013.
[21] M. Piano, A. J. Simmers, and P. J. Bex, “The character of monocular and binocular perceptual visual distortions in adult amblyopia,” presented at the British Congress of Optometry and Vision Science, Glasgow, UK, 2013.
[22] M. Piano, A. J. Simmers, P. J. Bex, and S. Jeon, “Perceptual visual distortions in amblyopia and their stability over time,” presented at the European Conference on Visual Perception, Bremen, 2013.
[23] D. R. Saunders, P. J. Bex, and R. L. Woods, “Measuring information acquisition during viewing of dynamic scenes using free, natural-language descriptions,” presented at the Vision Sciences Society, Naples, Fl, 2013.
[24] J. A. Solomon, P. J. Bex, and S. C. Dakin, “Sampling Efficiency and Internal Noise for Summary Statistics,” presented at the European Conference on Visual Perception, 2013.
[25] T. S. A. Wallis, M. Dorr, and P. J. Bex, “The contrast response function of the human visual system to freely-viewed natural movies,” presented at the European Conference on Visual Perception, Bremen, 2013.
[26] R. S. Watson, R. Legge, A. J. Simmers, and P. J. Bex, “Illusory Figure Perception in Amblyopes,” presented at the British Congress of Optometry and Vision Science, Glasgow, UK, 2013.
[27] E. Wiecek, S. C. Dakin, K. Lashkari, and P. J. Bex, “Qualitative and Quantitative Assessment of Metamorphopsia in Retinopathy Patients,” presented at the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, 2013.
[28]. Vera-Diaz FA, Kerber KL, Thorn F, and Bex PJ. “Peripheral Awareness and Attention in Myopia”. 14th International Myopia Conference, Asilomar, CA. August 20th 2013
[1] S. F. Abscar, D. Cyr, A. D. Proia, M. T. Malik, P. J. Bex, and K. Lashkari, “Identifying the Roles of Interferon-Gamma Inducible Chemokines in Progression of Age-related Macular Degeneration (AMD).,” presented at the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, 2012.
[2] L. Bogfjellmo, H. Falkenberg, and P. J. Bex, “Global motion perception at low speed is reduced due to increased internal noise and reduced sampling efficiency in young, mid-aged and old observers,” presented at the European Conference on Visual Perception, Sardinia, Italy, 2012.
[3] M. Dorr, L. A. Lesmes, L. To, and P. J. Bex, “High-precision psychophysics on the iPad,” presented at the European Conference on Visual Perception, Sardinia, Italy, 2012.
[4] T. Elze, C. P. Taylor, and P. J. Bex, “Organic Light-Emitting Diode Monitors in Vision Science,” presented at the European Conference on Visual Perception, 2012.
[5] T. Elze and P. J. Bex, “Modern Display Technology in Vision Science: Assessment of OLED and LCD Monitors for Visual Experiments,” presented at the Asia Pacific Vision Conference, 2012.
[6] A. Kalia, L. A. Lesmes, M. Dorr, P. J. Bex, T. Gandhi, G. Chatterjee, and P. Sinha, “Measurements of Contrast Sensitivity Functions Show Recovery from Extended Blindness,” presented at the European Conference on Visual Perception, 2012.
[7] L. A. Lesmes, J. Wallis, M. Jackson, and P. J. Bex, “Clinical Application Of A Novel Contrast Sensitivity Test To A Low Vision Population: The Quick CSF Method,” presented at the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, 2012.
[8] M. Piano, A. J. Simmers, and P. J. Bex, “Assessment of global distortion and perceptual magnification in amblyopia,” presented at the British Congress of Optometry and Visual Science, Bradford, 2012.
[9] D. R. Saunders, P. J. Bex, and R. L. Woods, “A Novel, Objective Measure of Information Acquisition from Video is Correlated with Blur.,” presented at the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, 2012.
[10] J. Wallis, P. J. Bex, L. A. Lesmes, T. S. A. Wallis, and M. Jackson, “Contrast Sensitivity As A Predictor Of Central Field Loss,” presented at the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, 2012.
[11] T. S. A. Wallis, M. Dorr, and P. J. Bex, “Sensitivity to gaze-contingent spatial distortions in freely-viewed movies,” presented at the European Coference on Visual Perception, Sardinia, Italy, 2012.
[12] S. G. Wardle, P. J. Bex, J. R. Cass, and D. Alais, “Stereoacuity across the visual field: An equivalent noise analysis,” presented at the European Conference on Visual Perception, 2012.
[13] E. Wiecek, S. C. Dakin, and P. J. Bex, “Metamorphopsia and Visual Acuity,” presented at the European Conference on Visual Perception, 2012.
[14] E. Wiecek, M. Jackson, and P. J. Bex, “Visual Search with Image Enhancements in Age-Related Macular Degeneration,” presented at the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, 2012.
[15] R. L. Woods, P. J. Bex, and D. R. Saunders, “Free Recall as an Objective Measure of Information Acquisition from Video.,” presented at the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, 2012.
[1] P. J. Bex, L. Pasquale, and S. C. Dakin, “Glaucoma patients demonstrate elevated neural noise in sectors of the Humphrey Visual Field with normal threshold sensitivity,” presented at the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, 2011.
[2] Bogfjellmo, H. K. Falkenberg, and P. J. Bex, “How does directional noise limit global sensitivity in ageing?,” presented at the European Conference on Visual Perception, 2011.
[3] J. Cass, S. C. Dakin, and P. J. Bex, “Dichoptic suppression of flanking stimuli breaks crowding,” presented at the European Conference on Visual Perception, 2011, p. 35.
[4] M. Dorr and P. J. Bex, “A gaze-contingent display to study contrast sensitivity under natural viewing conditions,” presented at the Human Vision and Electronic Imaging XVI, 2011.
[5] M. Dorr and P. J. Bex, “Natural vision is geotopic,” presented at the European Conference on Visual Perception, Toulouse, 2011, vol. 40, p. 29.
[6] M. Dorr and P. Bex, “Peri-Saccadic Visual Sensitivity while Freely-Viewing Natural Movies,” presented at the Vision Sciences Society, 2011, vol. 11, p. 517.
[7] H. Galperin, D. Lisitsyn, P. Bex, and J. Fiser, “Perception of Motion in Natural Scenes,” presented at the Vision Sciences Society, 2011, vol. 11, p. 725.
[8] J. Greenwood, V. Tailor, A. Simmers, J. Sloper, G. Rubin, P. Bex, and S. Dakin, “Links between acuity, crowding and binocularity in children with and without amblyopia,” presented at the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, 2011, vol. 11, p. 405.
[9] L. A. Lesmes, T. S. A. Wallis, and P. Bex, “Response bias contributes to visual field anisotropies for crowding in natural scenes,” presented at the Vision Sciences Society, 2011, vol. 11, p. 1156.
[10] N. Schneider, P. J. Bex, E. Barth, and M. Dorr, “An open-source low-cost eye-tracking system for portable real-time and offline tracking,” presented at the Novel Gaze-Controlled Applications, 2011.
[11] G. Selig, D. Lisitsyn, P. Bex, and J. Fiser, “The diagnostic features used for recognizing faces under natural conditions,” presented at the Vision Sciences Society, 2011, vol. 11, p. 614.
[12] C. Taylor and P. Bex, “Efficient integration of local perceived blur in discrimination and matching,” presented at the Vision Sciences Society, 2011, vol. 11, p. 13.
[13] T. Wallis and P. Bex, “Image Correlates of Peripheral Contour Discrimination in Natural Scenes,” presented at the Vision Sciences Society, 2011, vol. 11, p. 62.
[14] E. Wiecek, L. Pasquale, and P. J. Bex, “Effects of peripheral visual field loss on eye movements during visual search,” presented at the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, 2011.