Our team

Peter Bex

Pete received a PhD in Psychology at Hull University, UK in 1989 and a PhD in Psychology at Cardiff University, UK in 1994. After completing post doctoral appointments in the Department of Ophthalmology at McGill University, Montreal, and the Center for Vision Science at the University of Rochester, NY, he was a faculty member at the Institute of Ophthalmology, University College London until 2007, the Schepens Eye Research Institute, Harvard Medical School until 2015 when he moved to the Department of Psychology at Northeastern University, Boston.

Sam Smithers

I joined the Translational Vision Lab run by Dr Peter Bex in summer 2020. My background is sensory biology. I use various interdisciplinary approaches (including eye tracking and psychophysical experiments) to study vision and perception in humans and animals. My current research within the Translational Vision Lab is focused on different aspects of visual perception, including depth perception, visual crowding, and target detection and tracking. I also have research projects that focus on visual disorders such as strabismus. In addition to my work on human vision, I also have projects on color and polarization vision in animals.

I completed my PhD within the Ecology of Vision Lab at the University of Bristol, UK, under the supervision of Dr Nicholas Roberts and Dr Martin How. For my PhD I used psychophysics to study polarizaton vision in animals. Prior to my PhD I did a masters by research in sensory biology within Dr Martin Stevens’s Sensory Ecology and Evolution research group at the University of Exeter, UK.

Nano Technology, Magnetic Imaging

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This text should be a space to introduce yourself to the viewer and help them understand what you are passionate about and why you care about your project.

Jane Hope


Bliss Cui

Bliss is from Bellingham, WA and attended college at Boston University where she double majored in Neuroscience and Psychology. She is currently a 4th year PhD Candidate studying face perception.

Joonsik Moon

I am a Ph.D. candidate in the Department of Psychology at Northeastern University. My research focuses on understanding eye movements related to motion and depth perception.