Arthur, C., He, J., Bex, P., Skerswetat, J. & Crognale, M. (2025) Evaluation of novel tablet-based AIM and FInD color vision tests, Journal of the Optical Society of America A, in press.
Malladi, S.N, Skerswetat, J., Schmidt, M.F., Tootell, R., Gaier, E., Bex, P.J., Hunter, D.G. and Nasr, S. (2025) Decreased scene-selective activity within the posterior intraparietal cortex in amblyopic adults. Frontiers in Neuroscience, section Visual Neuroscience, in press.
Nasr, S., Skerswetat, J., Gaier, E., Malladi, S., Kennedy, B., Tootell, R., Bex, P. and Hunter, D. (2025) Differential impacts of strabismic and anisometropic amblyopia on the mesoscale functional organization of the human visual cortex, Journal of Neuroscience, 45 (6) e0745242024.
Walter, K. & Bex, P.J. (2025) A novel, rapid, quantitative method for face discrimination. PLoSOne 19 (12), e0315998.
Vera-Diaz, F.A., Dhungel, D., McCullough, A., Kerber, K. & Bex, P.J. (2025) Longitudinal Measures of Peripheral Optical Quality in Young Children. Ophthalmic and Physiological Optics. in press.
Walter, K., Manley, C., Bex, P.J. & Merabet, L. (2024) Visual Search Patterns During Exploration of Naturalistic Scenes are Driven by Saliency Cues in Individuals with Cerebral Visual Impairment. Scientific Reports, 14 (1) 3074.
Wiecek, E. Kosovicheva, A., Ahmed, Z., Nabasaliza, A., Kazlas, M., Chan, K., Hunter, D. & Bex, P.J. (2024) Peripheral Binocular Imbalance in Anisometropic and Strabismic Amblyopia. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science, 65 (4) 36.
Pamir, Z., Manley, C. E., Bauer, C. M., Bex, P. J., Dilks, D. D. & Merabet, L. B. (2024) Visuospatial processing in early brain-based visual impairment is associated with differential recruitment of dorsal and ventral visual streams. Cerebral Cortex, 34 (5) bhae203.
Skerswetat, J., Freeman, M., Shah, J.B., Aycardi, N., He, J. & Bex, P. J. (2024). A new adaptive, self-administered, and generalizable method used to measure visual acuity. Optometry and Vision Sciences, 101(7):p 451-463.
Neupane, S., Skerswetat, J. & Bex, P. J. (2024). Comparison of Foraging Interactive D-prime and Angular Indication Measurement Stereo with different methods to assess stereopsis. PlosOne, 19 (6) e0305036.
Harrison, W.J., Stead, I., Wallis, T.S.A., Bex, P.J., & Mattingley, J.B. (2024) A Computational Account of Trans-Saccadic Attentional Allocation Based on Visual Gain Fields. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 121 (27) e2316608121.
Skerswetat, J., Ross, N., Idman-Rait, C. Sun., K., Wynn, O. & Bex, P.J. (2024) Visual performance of people with albinism assessed with generalizable and adaptive AIM and FInD methods. Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science, 65(11):34.
Bauer, C. M., Manley, C. E., Ravenscroft, J., Cabral, H., Dilks, D. D., & Bex, P. J. (2023). Deficits in Face Recognition and Consequent Quality-of-Life Factors in Individuals with Cerebral Visual Impairment. Vision, 7(1), Article 1.
Vera-Diaz, F. A., Jnawali, A., Panorgias, A., Bex, P. J., & Kerber, K. L. (2023). Baseline metrics that may predict future myopia in young children. Ophthalmic and Physiological Optics, 43(3), 466–481.
Merabet, L. B., Manley, C. E., Pamir, Z., Bauer, C. M., Skerswetat, J., & Bex, P. J. (2023). Motion and form coherence processing in individuals with cerebral visual impairment. Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology, DOI
Manley, C. E., Walter, K., Micheletti, S., Tietjen, M., Cantillon, E., Fazzi, E. M., Bex, P. J., & Merabet, L. B. (2023). Object identification in cerebral visual impairment characterized by gaze behavior and image saliency analysis. Brain and Development, 45 (8) 432-444.
Thompson, B., Morone, M.C., Bex, P., Lozama, A. & Sabel, B. (2023) Harnessing brain plasticity to improve binocular vision in amblyopia: An evidence-based update. European Journal of Ophthalmology, 11206721231187426 DOI
Pedziwiatr, M., Heer, S., Bex, P.J., Coutrot, A. & Mareschal, I. (2023) Prior knowledge about events depicted in scenes decreases oculomotor exploration. Cognition, 238, 105544
He, J., Bex, P.J. & Skerswetat, J. (2023) Rapid measurement and machine learning classification of color vision deficiency. Ophthalmic and Physiological Optics. opo.13210.
Smithers, S., Shao, Y., Altham, J. & Bex, P.J. (2023) Large depth differences between target and flankers can increase crowding: Evidence from a multi-depth plane display. eLife, 12 e85143
Pedziwiatr, M. A., Heer, S., Coutrot, A., Bex, P. J., & Mareschal, I. (2023). Influence of prior knowledge on eye movements to scenes as revealed by hidden Markov models. Journal of Vision, 23(10), 10.
Rideaux, R., West, R. K., Wallis, T. S. A., Bex, P. J., Mattingley, J. B., & Harrison, W. J. (2022). Spatial structure, phase, and the contrast of natural images. Journal of Vision, 22(1), 4. DOI.
Pandey, A., Bex, P., & Borkin, M. A. (2022). Effect of Anthropomorphic Glyph Design on the Accuracy of Categorization Tasks. Extended Abstracts of the 2022 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 1–7. DOI
Skerswetat, J., Bex, P. J., & Baron-Cohen, S. (2022). Visual consciousness dynamics in adults with and without autism. Scientific Reports, 12(1), Article 1. DOI
Gao, T.Y.,Wong, J., Zhou, L.W., Black, J., Turnbull, P.R.K., Bex, P.J. and Dakin, S.C. (2022) Objective estimation of fusional reserves using infrared eye tracking: The digital fusion-range test, Clinical and Experimental Optometry, DOI
Joshi, M. R., Voison, K. J., Piano, M., Farnon, N., & Bex, P. J. (2022). A novel tool for quantitative measurement of distortion in keratoconus. Eye, 1–6. DOI.
Walter, K., & Bex, P. (2022). Low-level factors increase gaze-guidance under cognitive load: A comparison of image-salience and semantic-salience models. PLOS ONE, 17(11), e0277691. DOI
Skerswetat, J., & Bex, P. J. (2023). InFoRM (Indicate-Follow-Replay-Me): A novel method to measure perceptual multistability dynamics using continuous data tracking and validated estimates of visual introspection. Consciousness and Cognition, 107, 103437. DOI
Nasr, S. Kennedy, B., Nabasaliza, A., Bex, P., Hunter, D. & Tootell, R. (2022) Two fine-scale channels for encoding motion and stereopsis within the human magnocellular stream. Progress in Neurobiology, 220, 102374. DOI
Bennet, C. Bex, P.J. & Merabet, L. (2021) Assessing visual search performance using a novel dynamic naturalistic scene. Journal of Vision, 21(5)
Wang, M., Yuying, F., Pasquale, L. R., Shen, L. Q., Boland, M. V., Ramulu, P., Yousefi, S., De Moraes, C. G., Wellik, S. R., Myers, J. S., Bex, P. J., & Elze, T. (2021). Predicting Global Test-Retest Variability of Visual Fields in Glaucoma. Ophthalmology Glaucoma, 4(4), 390-399.
Zhao, Y., Lesmes, L.L., Dorr, M., Bex, P.J. and Lu, Z.L. (2021) Psychophysical validation of a novel active learning approach for measuring the visual acuity behavior function. Translational Vision Science and Technology, 10.1167/tvst.10.1.1
Panorgias, A., Aigbe, S., Jeong, E., Otero, C., Bex, P.J. & Vera-Diaz, F.A. (2021) Retinal Responses to Simulated Optical Blue Using a Novel Dead Leaves ERG Stimulus. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 62(10),1.
Bowman, B., Ross, N.C., Bex, P.J. & Arango, T. (2021) Exploration of Dynamic Text Presentations in Bilateral Central Vision Loss. Ophthalmic and Physiological Optics 41(6):1183-1197.
Bennett C.R., Bauer C.M., Bex P.J., Bottari, D. and Merabet L.B (2021) Visual Search Performance in Cerebral Visual Impairment is Associated with Altered Alpha Band Oscillations. Neuropsychologia, 161, 108011.
Shigeta, T.T., Henry, D.H., Kucyi, A, Bex, P.J., Kramer, A.F. & Hillman, C.H. (2021) Acute Exercise Effects on Inhibitory Control and the Pupillary Response in Young Adults. International Journal of Psychophysiology, S0167-8760(21)00878-3.
Merabet, L.B., Pamir, Z., Bauer, C.M., Bailin, E.S., Bex, P.J. Somers, D.C. & Merabet, L.B. (2021) Neural Correlates Associated with Impaired Global Motion Perception in Cerebral Visual Impairment (CVI). NeuroImage: Clinical, 32,102821
Hou, F., Lu, Z.L., Bex, P.J. and Reynaud, A. (2021) The Contrast Sensitivity Function: From Laboratory to Clinic. Frontiers in Neuroscience, in press.
Walter, K. & Bex, P.J. (2021) Cognitive Load Influences Oculomotor Behavior in Natural Scenes. Scientific Reports, 11(1) 12405.
Kosovicheva, A. & Bex, P.J. (2021) Gravitational effects of scene information in object localization. Scientific Reports, 11(1), 11520.
Choi, E. Y., Wong, R. C. S., Thein, T., Pasquale, L. R., Shen, L. Q., Wang, M., Li, D., Jin, Q., Wang, H., Baniasadi, N., Boland, M. V., Yousefi, S., Wellik, S. R., De Moraes, C. G., Myers, J. S., Bex, P. J., & Elze, T. (2021). The Effect of Ametropia on Glaucomatous Visual Field Loss. Journal of Clinical Medicine, 10(13), 2796.
Pamir, Z., Bauer, C.M., Bailin, E.S., Bex, P.J. Somers, D.C. & Merabet, L.B. (2021) Neural Correlates Associated with Impaired Global Motion Perception in Cerebral Visual Impairment (CVI). NeuroImage: Clinical, 32, 102821.
Ye, J., Gupta, P., Shah, P., Tiwari, K., Gandhi, T., Ganesh, S., Philips, F., Levi, D., Thorn, F., Diamond, S. Bex, P. & Sinha, P. (2021) Resilience of Temporal Processing to Early and Extended Visual Deprivation. Vision Research, 186, 80-86166. Versek C, Banijamali SMA, Bex P, Lashkari K, Kamarthi S, Sridhar S. Portable Diagnostic System for Age-Related Macular Degeneration Screening Using Visual Evoked Potentials. Eye Brain. 2021;13:111-127
Wang, M., Tichelaar, J., Pasquale, L. R., Shen, L. Q., Boland, M. V., Wellik, S. R., De Moraes, C. G., Myers, J. S., Ramulu, P., Kwon, M., Saeedi, O. J., Wang, H., Baniasadi, N., Li, D., Bex, P. J., & Elze, T. (2020). Characterization of Central Visual Field Loss in End-stage Glaucoma by Unsupervised Artificial Intelligence. JAMA Ophthalmology138(2):190-198. doi: 10.1001/jamaophthalmol.2019.5413 .
Maiello, G., Chessa, M., Bex, P. J., & Solari, F. (2020) Near-optimal combination of disparity across a log-polar scaled visual field. PLoS Computational Biology, https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pcbi.1007699.
Rose, D. &Bex, P. J. (2020) The Linguistic Analysis of Scene Semantics: LASS. Behavior Research Methods, https://doi.org/10.3758/s13428-020-01390-8.
Kosovicheba, A. & Bex, P.J. (2020) Perceptual effects of saccadic adaptation to a dichoptic step. Journal of Vision, Vol.20, 7. doi:https://doi.org/10.1167/jov.20.5.7.
Sinha, P., Crucilla, S., Gandhi, T., Rose, D., Singh, A., Ganesh, S., Mathur, U. & Bex, P. (2020) Mechanisms Underlying Simultaneous Brightness Contrast: Early and Innate. Vision Research, 137, 41-49.
Wang, M., Tichelaar, J., Pasquale, L. R., Shen, L. Q., Boland, M. V., Wellik, S. R., De Moraes, C. G., Myers, J. S., Ramulu, P., Kwon, M., Saeedi, O. J., Wang, H., Baniasadi, N., Li, D., Bex, P. J., & Elze, T. (2020). An Artificial Intelligence Approach to Assess Spatial Patterns of Retinal Nerve Fiber Layer Thickness Maps in Glaucoma. Translational Vision Science and Technology 9:41.
Walter, K., Taveras-Cruz, Y. & Bex, P.J. (2020) Transfer and Retention of Oculomotor Alignment Rehabilitation Training. Journal of Vision, Vol.20, 9. doi.org/10.1167/jov.20.8.9
Arango, T. Yu, D. Lu, Z-L, & Bex, P.J. (2020) Effects of Task on Reading Performance Estimates, Frontiers in Psychology-Perception Science, 11:2005.
150.Caoli, A., Sabatini, S., Gibaldi, A. Maiello, G., Kosovicheva, A. & Bex, P.J. (2020) A Dichoptic Feedback-Based Oculomotor Training Method to Manipulate Interocular Alignment. Scientific Reports 10(1):15634.
Wang, M., Tichelaar, J., Pasquale, L. R., Shen, L. Q., Boland, M. V., Wellik, S. R., De Moraes, C. G., Myers, J. S., Ramulu, P., Kwon, M., Saeedi, O. J., Wang, H., Baniasadi, N., Li, D., Bex, P. J., & Elze, T. (2020). Inter-Eye Association of Visual Field Defects in Glaucoma and Its Clinical Utility. Translational Vision Science and Technology, 10.1167/tvst.9.12.22
Harrison, W. J., Ayeni, A.J. and Bex, P.J. (2019) “Attentional selection and illusory surface appearance.” Nature Scientific Reports, 9(1): 2227.
133 Bennett, C.R., Bex, P.J., Bauer, C.M. and Merabet, L.B. (2019) “The Assessment of Visual Function and Functional Vision.” Seminars in Pediatric Neurology 31, 30-40.
Christensen, J. H., Bex P. J. and Fiser, J. (2019) “Coding of Low-level Position and Orientation Information in Human Naturalistic Vision.” PloSOne, 14(2): e0212141
Wang, M., Pasquale, L. R. Shen, L.Q., Boland, M.V., Wellick, S., de Moraes, G., Myers, J., Wang, H., Baniasadi, N., Li, D. Silva, R.N.E., Bex, P. J. and Elze, T. (2019) “An Artificial Intelligence Approach to Detect Visual Field Progression in Glaucoma based on Spatial Pattern Analysis.” Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science, 60 (1), 365-375.
Shepard, T.G., Hou, F., Bex, P.J., Lesmes, L.A., Lu, Z.L. and Yu, D. (2019) Assessing reading performance in the periphery with a Bayesian adaptive approach: The qReading method. Journal of Vision, 19(5)5.
Dorr, M., Kwon, MY., Lesmes, L.A., Miller, A., Kazlas, M., Chan, K., Hunter, D.G., Lu, ZL. and Bex, P.J. (2019) Binocular Summation and Suppression of Contrast Sensitivity in Strabismus, Fusion and Amblyopia Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 13:234.
Kosovicheva, A.K. and Bex, P.J. (2019) What color was it?: A psychophysical paradigm for tracking subjective progress in continuous tasks. Perception; 49(1): 21–38.
Kosovicheva, A., Ferreira, A., Vera-Diaz, F.A., and Bex, P.J. (2019) Effects of Temporal Frequency on Binocular Deficits in Amblyopia. Vision Research, 163,163, 52-61.
Wang, M., Pasquale, L. R. Shen, L.Q., Boland, M.V., Wellick, S., de Moraes, G., Myers, J., Wang, H., Baniasadi, N., Li, D. Silva, R.N.E., Bex, P. J. and Elze, T. (2019) Characterizing Central Visual Field Loss in End-Stage Glaucoma by Unsupervised Artificial Intelligence. JAMA Ophthalmology,138(2):190-198.
Wang, M., Pasquale, L. R. Shen, L.Q., Boland, M.V., Wellick, S., de Moraes, G., Myers, J., Wang, H., Baniasadi, N., Li, D. Silva, R.N.E., Bex, P. J. and Elze, T. (2019) Machine Learning Classification of Central Visual Field Patterns in Glaucoma. Ophthalmology, 127(6), 731-738.
Wang, M., Pasquale, L. R. Shen, L.Q., Boland, M.V., Wellick, S., de Moraes, G., Myers, J., Wang, H., Baniasadi, N., Li, D. Silva, R.N.E., Bex, P. J. and Elze, T. (2018) “Predicting Reversal of the Glaucoma Hemifield Test to Normal after Two Consecutive Abnormal Results. Ophthalmology, 125 (3) 352-360.
Maiello, G., Kwon, M.Y. and Bex, P.J. (2018) “Three-Dimensional Binocular Eye-Hand Coordination in Normal Vision and with Simulated Visual Impairment.” Experimental Brain Research, 166, 96-105.
Bennett C.R., Bailin E.S., Gottlieb T.K., Bauer C.M., Bex P.J. and Merabet L.B. (2018) Virtual Reality Based Assessment of Static Object Visual Search in Ocular Compared to Cerebral Visual Impairment. In: Antona M., Stephanidis C. (eds) Universal Access in Human-Computer Interaction. Virtual, Augmented, and Intelligent Environments. UAHCI 2018. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 10908. Springer, Cham
Vera-Diaz, F. A., Bex, P.J., Ferreira, A. and Kosovicheva, A.K. (2018) “Binocular Temporal Visual Processing in Myopia.” Journal of Vision 18 (11) 17.
Bennett, C.R., Bailin, E.S., Gottlieb, T.K., Bauer, C.M., Bex, P.J. and Merabet, L.B. (2018) Assessing Visual Search Performance in Ocular Compared to Cerebral Visual Impairment Using a Virtual Reality Simulation of Human Dynamic Movement. APAScience: 4:1-4:6
Alberti, C. and Bex, P.J. (2018) “Binocular contrast summation and inhibition depends on spatial frequency, eccentricity and binocular disparity.” Ophthalmic and Physiological Optics 38(5) 525-537. doi.org/10.1111/opo.12581.
Hendricksen, T.Versek, C., Rissmiller, A., Tran, A., Taya, M., Chowedhury, K., Bex, P. and Sridhar, S. (2018) “Portable System for Neuro-optical Diagnostics using Virtual Reality Display”. Military Medicine, 184: 584-592.
Rose, D. and P. J. Bex, “Peripheral Oculomotor Training in Individuals with Healthy Visual Systems: Effects of Training and Training Transfer,” (2017) Vision Research 113, 95-99.
Elze, T., Pasquale, L., Baniasadi, N., Shen, L., Wang, M., Wang, H., Bex, P.J. (2017) Relationship between Central Retinal Vessel Trunk Location and Visual Field Loss in Glaucoma American Journal of Ophthalmology, 176, 53-60.
Harrison, W. & Bex, P.J. (2017) Visual crowding is a combination of an increase of positional uncertainty, source confusion, and featural averaging. Scientific Reports, 7, 45551.
Dorr, M., Lesmes, L.A., Elze, T., Wang, H., Lu, Z-L and Bex, P.J. (2017) “Evaluation of the precision of contrast sensitivity function assessment on a tablet device.” Scientific Reports, 7, 46706.
Maiello, G., Walker, L., Bex, P.J. and Vera-Diaz, F.A. (2017) Blur Perception Throughout the Visual Field in Myopia and Emmetropia. Journal of Vision 17 (5): 3, 1-13.
Bossi, M., Tailor, V.K., Anderson, E.J., Bex, P.J., Greenwood, J.A., Dahlmann-Noor, A. and Dakin, S.C. (2017) Binocular therapy for childhood amblyopia improves vision without breaking interocular suppression. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science, 58 (7): 3031-3043.
Dorr, M., Lesmes, L.A., Elze, T., Wang, H., Lu, Z-L and Bex, P.J. One-trial vs. Bayesian 10-AFC rapid assessment of the contrast sensitivity function on a tablet device. IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics 99, 1.
Wang, M., Pasquale, L. R. Shen, L.Q., Boland, M.V., Wellick, S., de Moraes, G., Myers, J., Bex, P. J. and Elze, T. (2017) Impact of Natural Blind Spot Location on Perimetry Scientific Reports, Scientific Reports, 7(1), 6143.
Maiello, G., Kerber, K.L., Thorn, F., Bex, P.J., and Vera-Diaz F.A. (2017) “Vergence Driven Accommodation with Simulated Disparity in Myopia and Emmetropia.” Experimental Eye Research, 166, 96-105.
Harrison, WJ. and Bex PJ. (2016) “Ungrouping Overcrowded Explanations of Visual Crowding”. Current Biology,26 (9) R353-354.
Gibaldi, A., Vanegas, M., Bex, P. J. and Maiello, G. (2016) “Evaluation of the Tobii Eye X Eye Tracking Controller and Matlab Toolkit for Research” Behavioral Research Methods and Instrumentation 1-24.
Chessa, M., Maiello, G., Bex, P.J. and Solari, F. (2016) “A Space-Invariant Model for Motion Interpolation Across the Visual Field”. Journal of Vision August 2016, Vol.16, 12.
Sinha, P., Bex, P.J., Kjelgaard, M. and Phillips, F. (2016) “Enhancing Research with Plenary Labs.” Science and Public Policy, https://doi.org/10.1093/scipol/scw051.
Kerber, K. L., Thorn, F., Bex, P. J. and Vera-Diaz, F. A. (2016) “Peripheral Contrast sensitivity and Attention in Myopia.” Vision Research 125, 49-54.
Piano, M., Bex, P.J. and Simmers A. J., (2016) “Perceived visual distortions in juvenile amblyopes during/following routine amblyopia treatment,” Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science, 57(10); 4045-4054.
Sophie Cai, S.,Elze, T., Bex. P. J., Wiggs, J. L., Pasquale, L. R. and Shen, L. Q. (2016) “Clinical Correlates of Computationally Derived Visual Field Defect Archetypes in Patients from a Glaucoma Clinic Current Eye Research, 0(0), 1-7.
Maiello, G., Harrison, WJ. and Bex PJ. ‘Monocular and Binocular Contributions to Oculomotor Plasticity” (2016) Scientific Reports 6, Article number: 31861
Chessa, M., Maiello, G., Bex, PJ. And Borsari, A. “The perceptual quality of the Oculus Rift for immersive virtual reality.” Human Computer Interaction, 1-32.
Birch, E. E., Morale, S. E., Jost, R. M., Cruz, A. D. L., Kelly, K. R., Wang, Y.-Z., & Bex, P. J. (2016) “Assessing Suppression in Amblyopic Children With a Dichoptic Eye Chart.” Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science, 57(13), 5649–5654.
Wiecek, E. K. Lashkari, S. C. Dakin, and P. J. Bex, “Metamorphopsia and Interocular Suppression in Monocular and Binocular Retinopathy,” Acta Ophthalmologia, 93(4): 318-320 2015.
Wiecek E, Lashkari K, Dakin SC and Bex PJ. “A Statistical Analysis of Metamorphopsia in 7106 Amsler Grids” JAMA Ophthalmology, 2015, 122, 431-433.
Elze, T., Pasquale, L. R., Shen, L. Q, and Bex, P.J. “Patterns of Visual Field Loss in Clinical Glaucoma Testing” Journal of the Royal Society Interface, 2015, 12 (103).
Taylor, C. P. and Bex, P.J. “On the number of perceivable blur levels in naturalistic images” Vision Research 115, 142-150, 2015.
Hou, F., Lesmes, L.L., Bex, P.J., Dorr, M and Lu, Z.L. “Using 10AFC to further improve the efficiency of quick CSF” Journal of Vision 15(9):2, 2015
Christensen, J. H., Bex P. J. and Fiser, J. ‘Prior implicit knowledge shapes human thresholds for orientation noise’ Journal of Vision, 15(9):24, 2015
Wallis, T.S.A., Dorr, M. and Bex P. J. ‘Sensitivity to gaze-contingent contrast increments in naturalistic movies: An exploratory report and model comparison’ Journal of Vision, 2015, 15(8):3, 1-33.
Miller, P. A., Wallis, G., Bex, P. J., and Arnold, D. Reducing the size of the human physiological blind spot through training. Current Biology 25(17):R747-748 2015
Piano, M., Bex, P.J. and Simmers A. J., “Perceptual visual distortions in adult amblyopia and their relationship to clinical features,” Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science, 56, 5533-5542 2015.
Maiello, G., Chessa, M., Solari, F., and Bex, P. J. (2015). The (In)Effectiveness of Simulated Blur for Depth Perception in Naturalistic Images. PLOS ONE, 10(10), e0140230.
Harrison, WJ. and Bex PJ. (2015) “A unifying model of orientation crowding in peripheral vision”. Current Biology, 25 (24) 3213-3219.
Kwon, M., Wiecek, E., Dakin, S. and Bex, P. J. (2015) “Spatial-frequency dependent binocular imbalance in amblyopia” Nature Scientific Reports 5, 17181
Dorr, M., Wille, M., Viulet, T., Sanchez, E., Bex, P. J., Lu, Z.-L., & Lesmes, L. (2015). Next-generation vision testing: the quick CSF. Current Directions in Biomedical Engineering, 1(1).
Wallis TSA, Taylor CP, Wallis J, Jackson M, Bex PJ. Characterisation of field loss based on microperimetry is predictive of face recognition difficulties. Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science. 2014; 55(1):142–153.
83 L.G. Bogfjellmo, P. J. Bex and H. K. Falkenberg, “The Development of Global Motion Discrimination in School Aged Children” Journal of Vision, 2014; 2 (19) 1-12.
D. R. Saunders, P. J. Bex, and R. L. Woods, “Measuring Information Acquisition from Sensory Input Using Automated Scoring of Natural Language Descriptions,” PLoSOne, 2014; 9, (4) e93251.
A. Kalia, L. A. Lesmes, M. Dorr, T. Gandhi, G. Chatterjee, P. J. Bex, and P. Sinha, “Development of pattern vision following early and extended blindness,” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2014; 4;111(5):2035-9.
C. Bauer, G. Heidary, B. Koo, P. J. Bex, and L. Merabet, “Characterization of White Matter Tractography in Cortical Visual Impairment using High Angular Resolution Diffusion Imaging (HARDI),” Journal of the American Association for Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus, 18(4) 398-401. 2014.
G. T. Feke, P. J. Bex, C. P. Taylor, D. J. Rhee, A. V. Turalba, T. C. Chen, M. Wand, and L. R. Pasquale, “Effect of Brimonidine on Retinal Vascular Autoregulation and Short-Term Visual Function in Normal Tension Glaucoma”. Journal of Ophthalmology, 158 (1), 105-112, 2014.
Harrison, WJ. and Bex PJ. “Integrating Retinotopic Features in Spatiotopic Coordinates”. Journal of Neuroscience, 34 (21) 7351-7360, 2014.
Kwon, M., Lu, ZL,, Miller, A., Kazlas, M., Lesmes, L. Hunter, D. and Bex, P.J. Assessing Binocular Interaction in Amblyopia and Its Clinical Feasibility, PLoSOne, 9(6) e100156, 2014.
Maiello, G. Chessa, M. Solari, F. and Bex, PJ. Simulated Disparity and Peripheral Blur Interact During Binocular Fusion. Journal of Vision, 2014; 14 (8): 13:1-14.
Wiecek, E. K, Dakin, S. C. and Bex, P. J. “Metamorphopsia and Acuity” Journal of Vision, 2014; 14(4)1: 1-10.
Wiecek E, Lashkari K, Dakin SC and Bex PJ. “Novel Quantitative Assessment of Metamorphopsia in Retinopathy” Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science, 2014, 56(1) 494-504.
Dorr M, Bex PJ. Peri-Saccadic Natural Vision. Journal of Neuroscience. 2013;33(3):1211–1217.
Lesmes LA, Jackson M, Bex PJ. Visual Function Endpoints to Enable Dry AMD Clinical Trials. Drug Discovery Today: Therapeutic Strategies. 2014; 10(1): 43-50.
Pelli, D. Bex PJ. Measuring Contrast Sensitivity. Vision Research. 2013; 90, 10-14.
D. R. Saunders, P. J. Bex, and R. L. Woods, “Crowdsourcing a normative natural language dataset: A comparison of Mechanical Turk and in-lab data collection,” Journal of Medical Internet Research, 2013, May 20;15(5):e100. doi: 10.2196/jmir.2620.
T. Elze, C. P. Taylor, and P. J. Bex, “An evaluation of organic light emitting diode monitors for medical applications: great timing, but luminance artifacts,” Medical Physics, 2013; 40(9), 092701.
L.G. Bogfjellmo, P. J. Bex and H. K. Falkenberg, “Reduction in direction discrimination with age and slow speed is due to both increased internal noise and reduced sampling efficiency,” Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science, 2013; 54 (8) 5204-5210.
M. Jackson, P. J. Bex, J. Ellison, P. Wicks, and J. Wallis, “Feasibility of a Web-based Survey of Hallucinations and Assessment of Visual Function in Patients with Parkinson’s Disease,” Interactive Journal of Medical Research, 2013, 3(1): e1. doi: 10.2196/ijmr.2744..
Dorr M, Lesmes LA, Lu ZL, Bex PJ. Rapid and precise contrast sensitivity assessment on a tablet device. Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science. 2013; 54, 7266-7273.
McIlreavy L, Fiser J, Bex PJ. Impact of Artificial Central Visual Impairment on Visual Search in Natural Scenes. Optometry And Vision Science. 2012, 89 (9) 1385-1394.
Wallis TSA, Bex PJ. Image correlates of crowding in natural scenes. Journal of Vision. 2012;12(7).
Greenwood JA, Bex PJ, Dakin SC. Crowding Follows the Binding of Relative Position and Orientation. Journal of Vision. 2012;12(3).
Wardle SG, Bex PJ, Cass J, Alais D. Stereoacuity in the Periphery Is Limited by Internal Noise. Journal of Vision. 2012;12(6).
Cass, J., Johnson, A., Bex, P. J., Alais, D. Orientation-specificity of adaptation: isotropic adaptation is purely monocular. PLoS ONE. 2012;7 (11) e47425.
Greenwood JA, Tailor, V. K., Sloper JJ, Simmers, AJ, Bex, PJ, Dakin, SC. Visual acuity, crowding, and stereo-vision are linked in children with and without amblyopia. Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science. 2012; 53(12)7655-7665.
Wiecek E, Jackson M, Dakin SC, Bex PJ. Visual Search with Image Modification in Age-Related Macular Degeneration. Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science. 2012; 53 (1) 6600-6609.
Wiecek E, Pasquale L, Fiser J, Dakin SC, Bex PJ. Effects of Peripheral Visual Field Loss on Eye Movements during Visual Search. Frontiers in Psychology. 2012 (3) 472, 1-13.
Dakin SC, Greenwood JA, Carlson TA, Bex PJ. Crowding is tuned for perceived (not physical) location. Journal of Vision. 2011;11(9).
Dorr M, Bex PJ. A gaze-contingent display to study contrast sensitivity under natural viewing conditions. Available at: http://spie.org/x648.html?product_id=872502.
Kane D, Bex P, Dakin S. Quantifying “the aperture problem” for judgments of motion direction in natural scenes. Journal of Vision. 2011;11(3).
Wallis TSA, Bex PJ. Visual Crowding is Correlated with Appearance. Current Biology. 2011;21(3):254–258.
pre – 2011
Bex PJ, Brady N, Fredericksen RE, Hess RF. Energetic motion detection. Nature. 1995;378(6558):670–2.
Bex PJ, Edgar GK. Shifts in the perceived location of a blurred edge increase with contrast I. Perception & Psychophysics. 1995;57(8):1187–9.
Bex PJ, Edgar GK, Smith AT. Multiple Images Appear When Motion Energy Detection Fails. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance. 1995;21:231–238.
Bex PJ, Edgar GK, Smith AT. Sharpening of drifting, blurred images. Vision Research. 1995;35(18):2539–46.Bex PJ, Edgar GK. Shifts in the perceived location of a blurred edge increase with contrast II. Perception & Psychophysics. 1996;58(1):31–3.
Bex PJ, Verstraten FA, Mareschal I. Temporal and spatial frequency tuning of the flicker motion aftereffect. Vision Research. 1996;36(17):2721–7.
Hammett ST, Bex PJ. Motion sharpening: evidence for the addition of high spatial frequencies to the effective neural image. Vision Research. 1996;36(17):2729–33.
Bex PJ, Baker CL. The effects of distractor elements on direction discrimination in random Gabor kinematograms. Vision Research. 1997;37(13):1761–1767.
Bex PJ, Makous W. Radial motion looks faster. Vision Research. 1997;37(23):3399–405.
Brady N, Bex PJ, Fredericksen RE. Independent coding across spatial scales in moving fractal images. Vision Research. 1997;37(14):1873–83.
Fredericksen RE, Bex PJ, Verstraten FA. How big is a Gabor patch, and why should we care? Journal of the Optical Society of America. 1997;14(1):1–12.
Hess RF, Demanins R, Bex PJ. A reduced motion aftereffect in strabismic amblyopia. Vision Research. 1997;37(10):1303–1311.
Mareschal I, Ashida H, Bex PJ, Nishida S, Verstraten FA. Linking lower and higher stages of motion processing? Vision Research. 1997;37(13):1755–9.
Bex PJ, Metha AB, Makous W. Psychophysical evidence for a functional hierarchy of motion processing mechanisms. Journal of the Optical Society of America. 1998;15(4):769–76.
Hess RF, Bex PJ, Fredericksen ER, Brady N. Is human motion detection subserved by a single or multiple channel mechanism? Vision Research. 1998;38(2):259–66.
Bex PJ. Apparent speed and speed sensitivity during adaptation to motion. Journal of the Optical Society of America. 1999;16(12):2817–2824.
Bex PJ, Baker CL. Motion perception over long interstimulus intervals. Perception & Psychophysics. 1999;61(6):1066–74.
Bex PJ, Metha AB, Makous W. Enhanced motion aftereffect for complex motions. Vision Research. 1999;39(13):2229–38.
Bex PJ, Simmers AJ, Dakin SC. Snakes and ladders: the role of temporal modulation in visual contour integration. Vision Research. 2001;41(27):3775–82.
Dakin SC, Bex PJ. Local and global visual grouping: tuning for spatial frequency and contrast. Journal of Vision. 2001;1(2):99–111.
Simmers AJ, Bex PJ. Deficit of visual contour integration in dyslexia. Investigative Ophthalmlogy and Visual Science. 2001;42(11):2737–42.
Simmers AJ, Bex PJ, Smith FK, Wilkins AJ. Spatiotemporal visual function in tinted lens wearers. Investigative Ophthalmlogy and Visual Science. 2001;42(3):879–84.
Bex PJ, Dakin SC. Comparison of the spatial-frequency selectivity of local and global motion detectors. Journal of the Optical Society of America. 2002;19(4):670–7.
Bex PJ, Makous W. Spatial frequency, phase, and the contrast of natural images. Journal of the Optical Society of America. 2002;19(6):1096–106.
Dakin SC, Bex PJ. Role of synchrony in contour binding: some transient doubts sustained. Journal of the Optical Society of America. 2002;19(4):678–86.
Dakin SC, Bex PJ. Summation of concentric orientation structure: seeing the Glass or the window? Vision Research. 2002;42(16):2013–20.
Bex PJ, Dakin SC. Motion detection and the coincidence of structure at high and low spatial frequencies. Vision Research. 2003;43(4):371–83.
Bex PJ, Dakin SC, Simmers AJ. The shape and size of crowding for moving targets. Vision Research. 2003;43(27):2895–904.
Bex PJ, Simmers AJ, Dakin SC. Grouping local directional signals into moving contours. Vision Research. 2003;43(20):2141–53.
Dakin SC, Bex PJ. Response to Wilson & Wilkinson: Evidence For Global Processing but No Evidence for Specialised Detectors in the Visual Processing of Glass Patterns. Vision Research. 2003;43(3):565–566.
Dakin SC, Bex PJ. Natural image statistics mediate brightness “filling in.” Proceedings of The Royal Society of London B. 2003;270(1531):2341–2348.
Fiser J, Bex PJ, Makous W. Contrast conservation in human vision. Vision Research. 2003;43(25):2637–48.
Hess RF, Pointer JS, Simmers A, Bex P. Border distinctness in amblyopia. Vision Research. 2003;43(21):2255–64.
Simmers AJ, Bex PJ, Hess RF. Perceived blur in amblyopia. Investigative Ophthalmlogy and Visual Science. 2003;44(3):1395–400.
Simmers AJ, Bex PJ. The representation of global spatial structure in amblyopia. Vision Research. 2004;44(5):523–33.
Bex PJ, Dakin SC. Spatial interference among moving targets. Vision Research. 2005;45(11):1385–98.
Bex PJ, Dakin SC, Mareschal I. Critical band masking in optic flow. Network: Computation in Neural Systems. 2005;16(2-3):261–84.
Dakin SC, Mareschal I, Bex PJ. An oblique effect for local motion: psychophysics and natural movie statistics. Journal of Vision. 2005;5(10):878–87.
Dakin SC, Mareschal I, Bex PJ. Local and global limitations on direction integration assessed using equivalent noise analysis. Vision Research. 2005;45(24):3027–49.
Bex PJ, Falkenberg HK. Resolution of complex motion detectors in the central and peripheral visual field. Journal of the Optical Society of America. 2006;23(7):1598–607.
Mareschal I, Dakin SC, Bex PJ. Dynamic properties of orientation discrimination assessed by using classification images. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 2006;103(13):5131–6.
Bex PJ, Langley K. The perception of suprathreshold contrast and fast adaptive filtering. Journal of Vision. 2007;7(12:1):1–23.
Bex PJ, Dakin SC, Mareschal I. Contrast Gain Control in Natural Scenes. Journal of Vision. 2007;7(11):12, 1–12.
Crossland MD, Dakin SC, Bex PJ. Illusory stimuli can be used to identify retinal blind spots. PLoS ONE. 2007;2(10):e1060.
Falkenberg HK, Bex PJ. Contextual modulation of the motion aftereffect. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception & Performance. 2007;33(2):257–270.
Falkenberg HK, Rubin GS, Bex PJ. Acuity, crowding, reading and fixation stability. Vision Research. 2007;47(1):126–35.
Langley K, Bex PJ. Contrast adaptation implies two spatiotemporal channels but three adapting processes. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception & Performance. 2007;33(6):1283–96.
Falkenberg HK, Bex PJ. Sources of Motion-Sensitivity Loss in Glaucoma. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science. 2007;48(6):2913–2921.
Crossland MD, Bex PJ. The twinkle aftereffect is pre-cortical and is independent of filling-in. Journal of Vision. 2008;8(11):13 1–10.
Mareschal I, Bex P, Dakin S. Local motion processing limits fine direction discrimination in the periphery. Vision Research. 2008;48(16):1719–1725.
Bex PJ, Solomon SG, Dakin SC. Contrast sensitivity in natural scenes depends on edge as well as spatial frequency structure. Journal of Vision. 2009;9(10):1 1–19.
Cass J, Alais D, Spehar B, Bex PJ. Temporal whitening: transient noise perceptually equalizes the 1/f temporal amplitude spectrum. Journal of Vision. 2009;9(10):12 1–19.
Cass J, Stuit S, Bex P, Alais D. Orientation bandwidths are invariant across spatiotemporal frequency after isotropic components are removed. Journal of Vision. 2009;9(12):17 1–14.
Crossland MD, Bex PJ. Spatial alignment over retinal scotomas. Investigative Ophthalmlogy and Visual Science. 2009;50(3):1464–9.
Dakin SC, Bex PJ, Cass JR, Watt RJ. Dissociable effects of attention and crowding on orientation averaging. Journal of Vision. 2009;9(11):28 1–16.
Greenwood JA, Bex PJ, Dakin SC. Positional averaging explains crowding with letter-like stimuli. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA. 2009;106(31):13130–5.
Kane D, Bex PJ, Dakin SC. The aperture problem in contoured stimuli. Journal of Vision. 2009;9(10):13 1–17.
Bex PJ. (In) Sensitivity to spatial distortion in natural scenes. Journal of Vision. 2010;10(2):1–15.
Dakin SC, Cass J, Greenwood JA, Bex PJ. Probabilistic, positional averaging predicts object-level crowding effects with letter-like stimuli. Journal of Vision. 2010;10(10):1–16.
Greenwood JA, Bex PJ, Dakin SC. Crowding Changes Appearance. Current Biology. 2010;20:496–501.
Murray S, Bex PJ. Perceived Blur in Naturally Contoured Images Depends on Phase. Front. Psychology. 2010;1.p 185